Libra's dark side

Reality you and inside you?The subconscious is there anything you are not aware of?Human nature is flawed, really nothing dark psychological no person does not exist.Jealous psychology, psychopathology, for instance, was the dark side of human emotions.Today, small make up take you analyse, the dark side of our constellation is what!

The dark side of parsing libra _ the zodiac

Scale imbalance during the month, will produce some anxiety, unconsciously you desire to eliminate any internal or the external differences and disadvantages in the relations of cooperation.Like the picture on the wall hang the slightly oblique, you see, so unless someone caught it, otherwise you will relax.Also, your senses and aesthetic beauty nature sometimes too much emphasis on their own physical attractiveness.Obsessed with your appearance of dress up, screwed up too much time and money to achieve flawless beautiful realm.

You don't think once he not attractive charm will m loved.But if you hard to control yourself, others will think you just a little bit "not true".Rather than in the struggle to suppress defects or feeling, it is better to simply accept them.Feeling is just a moment, if the vent, usually disappear immediately - leaving the useful information about our bodies and our needs and our hidden talent.

The moonlibraThe dark side: escape

When you respect and always willing to listen to your idea of the moon, you will open the same ability to you can understand why other people can accept and respect people's view is different.Listen to the moon doesn't mean that hide the pain, but for you to do my best to further perception.You really need to read from the perspective of grace, but first you have to want to face real heart, let it fully expresses the real information.

Month of scales are always indulge in comfort, taking action for perusal.You have to sacrifice a great determination to break the habit - which is always satisfied with the appearance of beautiful, regardless of the inner conflict or does not pay attention to health.Sometimes, it's all aspects of the talent that you see things so as to prevent you from taking action.However, "is really a good thing, no matter what you do will be a good thing", isn't it?You have to learn to follow the feeling, and don't be afraid to do wrong also don't be afraid to meet with resistance.

Once conditions stress or unhappy, you will escape the conflict.Remember your inner strength comes from harmony, this means that you should handle conflict.All the way to avoid conflicts, you are actually the kind of negative energy that empowers all you want to escape.A but you summon up courage to face the situation of harmonious you instinctively find beautiful solution from the annoying problem, you can really handle the relationship.

Want to out of the darkness into the sun, you must learn to accept inside the dark arts.Like all arts in the world, will not happen overnight, but a lifetime of love and practice process.Libra moon gives you a steady stream of power to become the world harmonious and beautiful.If you want to achieve this goal, there is only one way, love, attention body is not so satisfactory, rather than meet in the illusion of happiness in life.Unlock the doors of the real inner harmony - let the perpetual peace of mankind more implementation.

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