Capricorn's dark side

Reality you and inside you?The subconscious is there anything you are not aware of?Human nature is flawed, really nothing dark psychological no person does not exist.Jealous psychology, psychopathology, for instance, was the dark side of human emotions.Today, small make up take you analyse, the dark side of our constellation is what!

The dark side of parsing Capricorn _ the zodiac

When your moon imbalances, there will be the tendency of anxiety or obsessive-compulsive disorder.Capricorn represents the restriction and limitation, because the moon is in Capricorn, Capricorn makes month more like to build the dam in the rapids.In this case, the emotions behind the dam accumulation time is too long, and then when it finally broke through the dam, one day will explode in a dangerous manner.You also are more likely to suffer from depression, especially because you are always so demanding.

You rarely use the value of surface area to measure things, you more like to use a systems approach to interpret your emotions rather than just let yourself go to perceive them.Will you still force yourself to "fix it", the idea will lead to mold you into the mood, even you yourself don't realize at all.Sometimes the body and mind is not harmonious in the form of the disease.This excape from the emotional pain will lead to some physical sign, especially in the area of your joints, bones and teeth.

The dark side of moon in Capricorn: control

Want to refer to it, you must learn to accept health support.Capricorn moon gathered everything you want, with all the strength to succeed, even the use of personal relationships.But if you're not good discipline yourself, learning through communication art to seek help, your energy will be burned off.Sometimes you have to let nature take its course in terms of demand control.You don't need will kiss bow.On the other hand, you don't have to expect anyone to take care of you.Bear too many relationships will deprive you of power.Maintain a relationship is a difficult thing, but is not to say that you have to put all the joys of stripping out from your life., which I think is that the complicated interpersonal relationship is the power of Capricorn will be deprived of month, but the relationship is necessary, not isolate.)

Significant balance between giving and receiving is your key to happiness.Time in your life for you and the person you love to do a registration.Write it on your calendar.You may want to become a regular project service for you.Can do some introspective meditation practice, write diary, or to do a beautiful roulette with different colors represent different emotions.(I feel today...) Capricorn like this composition.Let your emotions and your worldly goals with the same time can inspire you have higher productivity, also can make you more disciplined.

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