The dark side of Leo

Reality you and inside you?The subconscious is there anything you are not aware of?Human nature is flawed, really nothing dark psychological no person does not exist.Jealous psychology, psychopathology, for instance, was the dark side of human emotions.Today, small make up take you analyse, the dark side of our constellation is what!

The dark side of parsing Leo _ the zodiac

Lion is born by the sun, the sun is symbol of the self and our conscious behavior.But the moon is on behalf of the collective and our instinctive quality.You might think to make themselves after the characteristics of "the moon", and you have to prove that he is special (that is, the characteristics of "the sun").Another possibility is that you feel this should get special treatment, because you know you is in fact so cow B were radiant.In either case, anyhow you for uninterrupted affection or worship meaning there is a strong demand.So if you to the attention of others began to decline, this mindset will set the stage for your dramatic performance.

Instead of consciously fanning fuelling the lion king himself, you might as well to recognize when you should go to action.Because you are a born actor, you can feel that is not true but it can meet the needs of your gain attention.You can to get tough, and stimulate the small point expand evolved as an act of god.You need to stand in the spotlight in the relationship, this itself is not a disgrace.But when you play the lion on negative features, you will make some dog blood plot, and there is no necessary to stir up emotional energy.When emotions are completely wrong, even though four screw will be the most healthy relationships.Rather than make the botched theatrical performances, consider what can make you feel very special romantic form, and let your partner know how to do it.

The moonLeoThe dark side: excessive expansion of self

Too much pride and love acting big lions often criticism, but in fact the lion is extremely sensitive to the opinions of others, on the lion.If someone in the workplace don't like your idea, or a lover's not intentional, can let your heart ~ ~ even if was little scold, in your face tense is hidden behind the mask of the devastated.Though you look more confident and willing to risk, but doesn't mean that you like to make a mistake, the negative reactions of others will make you feel as if failed.Learn through body language to deal with their emotional pain, artistic or religious ceremonies will help you to rebuild links with the inner intuition.Summon up courage to the lion king is general, ask your friend to reflect the chaotic situation.Month lion also has a good side, however, is that even when you feel hurt, as long as the love and support of friends, you can quickly recovered restorable.

Out of the darkness looking means you have to filled with joy and dare to self-expression, and this kind of attitude to enter the emotion in a relationship.You understand that you are the son of the "sun", and believe in your instincts to guide you toward the right direction.When the more you feel love should be unconditional, so in response to those who need sophisticated wrist to resolve the situation, you that hot lion the moon more on talent.

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