Scorpio's dark side

Reality you and inside you?The subconscious is there anything you are not aware of?Human nature is flawed, really nothing dark psychological no person does not exist.Jealous psychology, psychopathology, for instance, was the dark side of human emotions.Today, small make up take you analyse, the dark side of our constellation is what!

The dark side of parsing Scorpio _ the zodiac

The root mean "suffer", where passion month Scorpio's you have more understanding than other zodiac signs it.You know that the nature of passion to live, you must be willing to go in the face of adversity and suffering.The problem is you have become too accustomed to the life is equivalent to the pain that ignore the side around the laughter and joy.When things get too easy, you even start from the nue.In order to let oneself to grow from the crisis and initiative to create it, it is destined to exhausting.

You are born in order to practice the existence of a transcendent, but don't in your body.In some mysterious tradition have a saying called "body can overcome the spirit".Even if you think from your pain or in the deep spiritual experience you can collect some valuable things, but first you must take good care of your body needs.This means you have to learn to quit themselves of the emotional roller coaster, or other emotional dependence on drugs.

The moonScorpioThe dark side: extreme behavior

Scorpio is out of balance during the month, it may become some sort of obsession.You will become focus on lover's behavior that they must hide you anything, or betrayed you in some way.Similarly, diet and health problems may suddenly attracted all the attention you.You naturally tend to swing between two extremes, the extreme sex is you a by-product of a pure desire for things profound experience.If once you have determined to blend in and accept a person, you need strong feelings and commitment to love unconditionally.

For in Scorpio, learn to walk out of the darkness, to meet the light is related to self discovery a lifelong journey.You will always be attracted by its own darkness, inner demons.But once you accept the silence, you will be able to learn about these parts of their own show love and acceptance.Building some mental or psychological deep connection is a must for you.readingThe tarot, study some such as abstinence sufi mysticism, mweka in teaching, tantric double fanatical sect, or regularly to see a psychotherapist, these activities will help you to know more about your hidden nature, and in a more healthy and inspirational way to express your innate ability - passion storage place.

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