The dark side of cancer

Reality you and inside you?The subconscious is there anything you are not aware of?Human nature is flawed, really nothing dark psychological no person does not exist.Jealous psychology, psychopathology, for instance, was the dark side of human emotions.Today, small make up take you analyse, the dark side of our constellation is what!

The dark side of parsing cancer _ the zodiac

If you are the dark dive underwater in cancer, you have to face the issues of emotional self-control and self-doubt.Because you want to sense of security is the kind of family life, care, love, sometimes deliberately suppress each relationship exists, originally is normal troubles and individual character, do you want people to be able to free from pain and sorrow, but sometimes you can use this idea to suppress others normal emotional expression, it can be reflected in many daily things, such as the mood is bad to people to do good, you feel that you are this way to express the love, help, but in fact you unconscious conveys a kind of "shut upHave a meal!"The information.Maybe it's in your childhood emotional processing problem.

Every time you lose a sense of security, impatient, feel not being needed, may is a kind of obvious signal, there's something in your heart needs to be concerned about, but you didn't say it.All know that in the cancer is turned against convulsions emperor, emperor, month cancer for those who encourage people will behavior from emotional crowd very blase, those who belong to the common masses cultural environment.Comply with their own emotional ups and downs and roaring only belong to own responsibility.When you like a crazy attack, may be because of an urgent need to be yourself, or a family or more circles of people ignored.If can continue this kind of ignored, you will find that after removal of the legacy of emotional storm.

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When you feel weak and without protection, you start to slip in self-doubt, which may lead to someone close to you.Particularly easy to be driven by fear, you feel others are intentionally want to hurt you.Your fear is afraid of loneliness, fear of losing someone you care about the people, fear of being played, fear of "gesture", in a way that these can lead to the false emotion circulation, it is not based on the real situation, just imagine.Understand oneself when driven by emotions, when again in harness emotions is a good polish, and can use such as "meditation" repair within one day (insight meditation) or more universal mind "breathing scanning method" to do the practice training, make you more in-depth close to his true feelings at that time.

The step of dark to light is very important, can let you learn for sun's attitude towards his own emotions, let your emotions to fully express, and no longer addicted to the deep and suffocating.You are particularly prone to illness, especially stomach digestive problems, chest and breast problems, and even cancer - this is in charge of the cancer.Your emotions may be big aunt peak trough cannot predict or storm attack type, let they release can help you free from fear and anxiety.

Your sensitive, intuition is very strong, love others, don't let anyone convince feel these qualities are not important, at this time in the history of mankind, they are also the necessary existence, the more you follow the lead of emotion, the more you with open, loving, attaches great importance to the family sense of creating calm energy, everyone need to be loved and was told they are loved, you are the way the door to more real, emotional self-expression.

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