The dark side of parsing the Pisces

Reality you and inside you?The subconscious is there anything you are not aware of?Human nature is flawed, really nothing dark psychological no person does not exist.Jealous psychology, psychopathology, for instance, was the dark side of human emotions.Today, small make up take you analyse, the dark side of our constellation is what!

The dark side of parsing the Pisces _ the zodiac

Moon and dominate Pisces Neptune to support such a concept - the collective demand higher than personal desires.They can weave perfectly good mutual network, but also can form a driving force of the unbalanced system, this is the month the fish are the biggest challenge in life - a mix of victims and the savior.Only the spirit mutually to make you feel safe, and when the demand involves someone, you will gradually in a unhealthy relationship.Our need to sacrifice of transcend suffering;Think you can use the right love to save others, completely ignored the needs of others, indulge in their own romantic ideal.This is the performance of this hybrid body form.

Into reality before, please ready to abandon, this is a difficult job.The record, see if you can for some noble beliefs have different preference for suffering.Under review if you have friends and partners can talk with you.Honest with yourself look for in a romantic relationship, friendships and family members.When you achieve these, you will find what is what you should abandon, thus really started to find his own strength.

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Dessert, will pass on the fish's favorite, alcohol or other similar material to paralysis in response to the pain of life.Also may be separated from his body and experts, such as slight fracture or soul out-of-body experience to escape from personal and super personal pain.You are a nostalgia, even the past trauma or irritating fragment is the same value, you will feel the presence of these things contains some meaningful truth or high value.

In order to let you of the moon with you in harmony rather than take you into the wrong, you need to heal your past, forgive yourself and other people play a role in your pain.Spend time with a healthy way to enrich one's own soul, also can saying is to purify your tears.Meditation, listening to music or play music with friends, writing a memoir, do some mental counseling, all these Suggestions can you safe import source of the universe and won't make you ethereal helpless, there is no sense.

The moon in Pisces will people bringing the energy of the treatment to all areas of life, so you have to learn how to remove negative energy regularly, and look at what you are with.You are the pain of empathy for others.Due to the innate compassion and empathy ability, you will always attract some very poor and trouble man.You can't help everyone, also can't be denied that under the premise of limited ability to really help anyone.When you hear the cry and unable to do, please take a deep breath, imagine the pain like a ribbon through breathing into your body, after the heart cried out to the body.Such simple spiritual practice is a great help, you will recognize that you are the world's a no cure, but you can't do anything.

Your body carrying the pain of too much and the extraordinary spiritual enlightenment.This is what you reveal yourself to the highest ideals of beauty and love.Please take good care of it.

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