The dark side of analytical virgo

Reality you and inside you?The subconscious is there anything you are not aware of?Human nature is flawed, really nothing dark psychological no person does not exist.Jealous psychology, psychopathology, for instance, was the dark side of human emotions.Today, small make up take you analyse, the dark side of our constellation is what!

The dark side of analytical virgo _ the zodiac

You for an urge to perfect makes you we may have some self-destructive behaviors.You incredibly tough on yourself, you expect to do everything can do 110%.Such a strict professional ethics means that sometimes your personal emotional, physical and psychological health are bad.Do you think you have to exercise restraint and therefore suppresses the irrational emotions.True feeling when you cannot express, when a virgin will in food, and other health related matters.This means you may have a special food allergies or sensitive under the weight of irritability.You may even suffer from anorexia or obsessed with exercise.

You might have with your body should look like this kind of unrealistic illusion.Even in that spiritual movement, such as yoga, you may also let you try our best to achieve perfection.virgoIn charge of the intestines and stomach and digestion, so if your body appear to pay more attention to this aspect of the disease.This could mean your sensitive some deep feeling to share the moon.

The dark side of moon in virgo: the pursuit of perfection

Pursuit of perfection will let you don't want to wander and skill because you are waiting for the ready.You may think you are not very suitable for you now, but virgo is very understand their feet on the ground.Even if you are not ready to pass into the role for you to get more to help you feel more confident on the long-term practical experience.Don't work carefully, the other a virgo's hobby.Remember by care about your own body and mind, you will work for the reserves at a deeper level of energy.

For you to refer to mean that you find the practical and leave the schedule can meet your demand.New eating habits are unlikely to help it, when your schedule is full of you don't take time to go to the gym.Believe that you will find nourish your body.To find the opportunity to let your body to do some regular exercise, like to go to work by bike or gardening.The moon in virgo will benefit from the practice of the unity of body and mind, such as yoga, tai chi or other way of meditation.Into your energy savings means how to pay attention to your personal needs.When you spend time to get you the moon virgin exposure under the light, you instinctively find more simple way, more satisfying way of life and interpersonal relationship.

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