Oriental classical theory of astrology twelve constellation, Aquarius

Oriental classical theory of astrologyThe zodiacAquarius:

In jan 22-02, dear almanac, and can be somewhat ugly Yin in lunar month, after the contrast if due to a difference without fall into ugly Yin, please continue to focus on the bo east of the zodiac.

The spirit of the east water bottle for 1 to 7, here not to bring a bottle of western astrology, the west Aquarius ruled by Saturn and Uranus condominium, Saturn advocate self-discipline, dogma, constraints, restrictions, Uranus main rebel, eccentric, revolutionary, so western Aquarius is not according to the CARDS out representative.The spirit of the east water bottle for 1 to 7, 1 symbol things was the most complete, full, self-centered and original intention, seven things of decision-making, execution, defined the direction of the courage, and so on, the east water bottle interpretation of the western water bottle is more complete and intuitive, the decomposition, the integrity of the spirit number 1 is fundamental practical life experience, so the spirit number 7 for water bottles and the target of the topic, east spirit number 7 itself all the courage and the wisdom of the decision making of execution, the surrounding is full of resources and platforms, seems to have the full ownership behind, actually in front of the restrictions and responsibilities more realistic framework, 7 constraint is not lack of, is too much experience need induction, eyes too much need to integrate reality, the combination of 1 to 7 is to the east water bottle know use already have basic wisdom, line is to be a great decision, in all aspects and from their fundamental principle, to use this topic to the distribution, unity is conducive to their use of wisdom.

Oriental classical theory of astrology zodiac - _ the zodiac Aquarius

Oriental water bottles can be described with colorful life, many unexpected things that they are, are accidentally try, therefore enlarge the experience of the unknown, will become the east water bottles in the future wealth of experience, to provide them the face of a variety of issues in the future than understand the main points, easy decision.Oriental water bottle on the perspective of personality traits and expounds western water bottle is different, there is no right or wrong, both are purely astronomical model is different, different, found that the east water bottles of internal and external character always has a lot of contrast, part of the east of the outgoing water bottles, always have a lot of form is to the outside performance, give a person dazzling ray of light, but their real life inside, so mainly to satisfy his senses, they don't care about other people's vision and words, and they enjoy in their own world and create for himself, but spiritual was withdrawn, exclusivity is very strong, even for a few minutes Zhuai Zhuai prick prick their condition is also without interest bold attempt to bind, no special purpose a state of freedom is bold and unrestrained.

Part of the external behaviors of Oriental water bottle is quite introverted, but thought very active, and outsiders don't know what they're thinking, and therefore such as writer, philosopher, explorers, archaeologists, the astronomer, fell upon this kind of Oriental water bottles, but there are many of this misguided Oriental water bottles, advising, with reality the life, such as autistic son, drug addicts, abnormal thinkers such as also in the scope of Oriental water bottles.

East water bottles have born than other constellations highly keen awareness, spirit number 1 bottle in the east, the significance of symbol for human fear empirical frustrations, show modified twist and materialistic constraints and the experience of the limit of human body and mind is born, don't seem to need special through the strengthening of the education, and they have innate understanding, use experience to life in a former life, is to let everybody to understand I described, according to the east water bottles in life is to understand the nature of dynamic, so generally when a man gets tied up to the reality in a risk.however, the east water bottles, dare to cross the rubicon, they know that a test is the test of shaping their limit, so must have the courage to leave the present reality, materialistic and have to face the reform orientation to unload heavy eyes.

Most eastern Aquarius motto is "destruction is new", "create hope from destruction, such as" this also shows that the east water of life, will face some waves in the natural state of things, but the east water bottles do most weave as straight, because for them, innate endowment feel all this change for granted, despite the humanity to the past and at present there are always don't give up, also easy to produce in the future in the new world of wonder and fear, but the east water bottle is somewhat unknown nervous but steady meet the era of the past, the arrival of the new era, new relationships, new things, new environment, new experience, compared with other constellations are faced with the unknown unknown, in the experience and experience without any connection between sex, namely the new comprehensive old experience, religious or spiritual guidance can bring the east water rich his inner expense, to make them at the same time in the experience all sorts of unknown not astray.

Harmony and freedom, hope and rebirth, inspiration, conscience and create all the Oriental Aquarius symbol of style, although some bottles into the partial road, also do not break a pure heart, over the years of growth, they must have a kind of awareness, no too much deliberately as can satisfy their effect, it would have a thing to let go to let nature take its course, they just get surprising for us, that the east water bottle life subject, complete one of the original execution decision of courage, is built with the nature, nor, on the basis of stagnation and obstacles encountered when things, might as well directly off work, close to nature or a trip to travel, can find the inspiration of bliss.And negative Oriental water bottles, fall to ridiculous self-righteous, limited knowledge and ability, to will happen with the power of the overrating oneself change the nature of things, "man can conquer nature" is meant to inspire, don't be too dependent on or superstition invisible force, but the words in the east of the negative bottle easily distorted into "with day than high", "explains with day", as for the fate of the representative, the other a negative Oriental water bottle is self-destruction, or any beliefs don't have any hope for the future.

From autism in all things, to evade, autistic, feel good, feel self-abased, broken axe into the cocoon of the boat, complying with the laws of nature, the implementation of the decision of the courage and wisdom, is a representative of the positive east water bottles, part of the east water bottles are present in this track the status of the winds.

§ Aquarius luck this month (July 5-4 August) §

Low overall luck:

All unknown mystery this month opened a split card, whether good or bad, in this month give answer to a riddle, this month ago adhesive of unknown things will eventually have to clarify and metasomatism, hides the fierce, fierce hides the auspicious illustrate this month everything clear as a result, there are obvious flaws, good for the defects, is up to expectations but it do not, bad thing is unfortunately lot worse, though still sad responsible, but things to uncover the pressure can be lifted clear after more than half, to own a piece of peace and freedom.Another will be act shipping distance of the move, such asmove, work conversion, scheduling unit, frequent business trip, the least thing abnormal shortness of life.

Low finances:

Hand in hand, the business into the can in the fierce competition, but at the same time the cost of the business cost of not a few, this month before conducting business are unclear, this month will be a lively response, please be sure to grasp the efficiency, is worth is here, need not too entangled and deep thinking, degree is just around the corner.

Investment in short-term, please fast operation, this month should be focus on asset allocation, rather than just emphatically some investment targets, this month this year is to overhaul and review the overall financial leverage and long-term financial allocation.

Low KaoXue/promotion:

Did in the past efforts to now no fluke, the result is cruel is fair, can be promoted, in this month can get immediate grant and, as long as the ability to burden, even if the parachute also significantly promoted, some negative predatory bottles will be miserable in this month.

When dating:

With feelings of water bottles, from the uncertainty over the past few months, the relationship between adhesive fit, to get a showdown to clarify this month, in the past the foundation of water bottles, this month surface adjacent line distance relationship;And the foundation of business in the past have bottle, will open the said it straight, honesty is a good thing, but also alone in thinking, compromise in the conflict, so the defects of defective remains to be the future continuous efforts;The single bottle carefully encountered character of greed, materialistic and people of emotional infidelity.

Low relationships:

No matter how long the past misunderstandings persist until now, come to this month we clarify the facts, is a, suddenly let go, see, but of late answer and ACTS leave regret.This month suggested that in all things not too serious, all laughed out of court with the past, interpersonal conflicts will be readily solved.

Low physical health:(the zodiac/astro /)

Too trapped in the toil and worry about anxiety, this month pay attention to the autonomic nerve disorder, the law of circulation loss problem, more exercise more you sweat in this month is good for health, oh ~ good body and mind

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