Oriental classical theory of astrology zodiac - virgo

Oriental classical theory of astrologyThe zodiacvirgo

In August 24 - September 23, you can compare, and zodiac is somewhere ShenYou month of the lunar calendar, after the contrast if due to a difference without fall into ShenYou month, please continue to focus on the bo east of the zodiac.

The spirit of Oriental virgin number 9, symbol of the spirit of things internal review and reflection, thinking guidance, the virgo are classified in the doctrine of western astrology, pragmatic and principles, but the east virgo attaches great importance to the return of self, in the face of all the problems around, want to know from deep inside to find solutions, not geared phenomena from the material selection and judgment, the more the anatomy of the heart, to find the real really need.Things of the world virgo phase connectivity again in the harsh and analysis of things, but the west virgo is dedication, in the dynamic performance analysis, a simple, tight, fussy, Oriental virgo is sinking in the dynamic of the static heart, to look at the present, understand the various frequency relationship between themselves and the environment, then to deal with again and again, often held on the development of front "save regardless of" state of insight, to the east, the characteristics of the virgin is not their love, but that they want from the outside world outlook deeply rooted in their heart, so strong absorptive capacity, inductive, examine itself quite show east virgin.

Also because of this, on behalf of Oriental maiden in the face of environment, there are many wrong longitudinal complex, high precision, must use a long reflection, planning, induction, patience to complete each phase of the mission objectives, so you need to take a deep breath, often despite heart no extraneous thoughts and Oriental virgo is a workaholic, or focused on something, often get stuck here, because of its flourishing myself into efforts to dig the fruit on developing and answers, so once the investment is not to make track for the end of day and night.

Oriental classical theory of astrology zodiac - virgo _ the zodiac

Mercury is western virgo ruler, mercury emphasize communication, transmission, media, rational thinking, communication and other characteristics of things, that attaches great importance to the pragmatic ability of flexible and pragmatic ideal is the instinct of virgin Atlantic, virgin and Oriental spirit number is 9, symbol of inner harmony, a person can in a comfortable environment, often called for itself with harmony and elastic, so the virgin special place is that all of case already in his heart, and also early in the face of the current status of the divided inside just need perfect thinking again, after a heavy situation, will experience synchronous review and correction, in order to reach our goal to be perfect, is the standard of the core staff, managers, strategist and tactician, and vertical and horizontal.

Oriental virgin life lessons can directly differentiate the two directions, one, even Homer sometimes nods, especially eastern virgin stuck at the long planned for a long time, once the relaxation after take off the behavior of xinjiang, was meant to anger, but unbridled words and deeds.Both, too tough and too much concern, so affected the implementation of the action, scruples will cause the eyesight of the person is not regret, as day all the life of the five issues surrounding this in both.Stage a mission in life, learn to tolerance, bearing and absorption, to broad can let herself on the expansion degree, build inductive capacity of life;Phase two faces the contradiction between one phase after carrying on the issues, such as conflict of parental education and school education, family atmosphere and interpersonal conflict, at the moment to start the east virgin to deep within the first level, therefore, the topic of "inner strength";Three stages of the topic of "trade-off", when after spending many contradictions through phase two, has understood the inner strength of will the where to go, so break then show clear choice, but at the same time also is bound to cause damage after trade-offs, is how to compensate for the phase must study at the same time put down and tolerance, the virgins are sensible to start practice, but too rational and neglect the level of human feeling;The fourth stage of the topic of "devotion and humility, in light of phase three sharp trade-off and practice to start, even if the fruits of success, also for many human flaws, frankly speaking, the success is based on a lot of damage in the form, so this stage is to establish a career and start a family, virgins are supposed to come back to, for society, for friends and relatives and even for the enemy of a dispute with dedication and kindness in the past, in order to avoid later get to feel the cold and lonely, came to the stage of five can be gorgeous on the life stage.If theHave a classTopic is not always complete, in addition to take off the xinjiang lives and too many scruples, often encounter, inductive as if their own talent and inappropriate time, sometimes hit swollen face depth, don't refuse to people more will become a series of life.

§ virgo's fortunes this month (July 5-4 August) §

Low overall luck:

All scheduled good plans, goals and agreements, in this month are likely to be other things or personnel, continuous communication transfer frequently blocked state last month, the difference is that during this month to August 4, everything again, will have all sorts of adjustment, modify, put in, if to the smooth development of the things can face at this time principle and the test of real interest, until August 5 days to go back to start the gas, preliminary deserve support and cooperation.If this month determined to reach certain goals, it will be lost as a result, greatly too harsh, concerns and put out the words and deeds cause situation continued to deteriorate.

Low finances:

A period of downturn, does not affect the income, but the impact growth, a virgin, of doing business since last month to this month, will face many difficulties and competitive environment, many unreasonable head of customers and partners attitude always feels weak, no sincerity, speak not calculate words, etc., if it is out of virgo, the environment into office units directly to the situation.

Conservative and stabilization is a wealth of basic tone for this month, in the life a lot of people introduce investment projects, such as the direct selling similar opportunities, but please be sure to polish eyes, must realize there is no free lunch, while others are introduce you to a good thing, what is the truth behind the goal.

Low KaoXue/promotion:

From chaotic thoughts last month to this month, negative, weak state, have a rest, for all kinds ofThe testHave self-confidence shake, if it is necessary to apply for the entrance examination, please heart no extraneous up, no matter what happens, don't let this one phase of learning to be blank waste;Promotion schedule, no message this month, is likely to be the test unit itself is not really ready to formal employ condition, on the other hand also is likely to be your own or conversion didn't prepare for the current promotion, the development of things is often appeared on behalf of their own internal projection, see what is the theme of luck this month job, now should be more self-restraint yourself, ready on August 5, to get the direction.

When dating:

The involvement of others, other things come, let virgo on August 4, on June 5 - lost together during the period of the pace, leading to conflict and dispute, your breath, opposition, irrational, emotional flashing red light, to cause the intervention of other competitors, since May 5 to this month, some virgo carefully disconnect the principle as a third party, but no matter how communication disorder, relationship between orbital disorders, that is easy to meet big suddenly, the thought and mind chaos caused many misunderstanding and wit, virgo, even months at this time please return and expand and their time alone, only to return to the inner exploration and trust your instincts.

Low relationships:

Seem to be complaining about things around a group of friends in the same boat together, in addition to express anger, is not at all good for the development of positive, suggest this month and more friends set up front topic of sexual life, converts the negative atmosphere to no purpose, but it can boost mental and physical, fun is improved interpersonal issues for this month.

Low physical health:(the zodiac/astro /)

This month you eat bad thing, cause the bowel symptoms of spleen and stomach, in addition, the female virgins emotions will affect this month menstruation, at the same time, the sleep quality also is necessary for us to maintain this month.

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