Oriental classical theory of astrology twelve constellation, Leo

Oriental classical theory of astrologyThe zodiacLeo

In July 23 - August 23, you can compare, and zodiac is somewhere not to the lunar month, if because of a difference without contrast after cast "the month, please continue to focus on the bo east of the zodiac.

The spirit of Oriental lion number is 11, symbol of power, control, balance and rational, the east of the lion has a special ability, not just western astrology stressed the strongman charm.Symbol the two Numbers, two close power, energy at an organic whole, is at odds, investing resistance, impact, eastern lions must learn to control these two controversial self characteristics, to show amazing influence, not lions dual personality makes, but has inherent outstanding tc from the conflict and competition ability.

"11" innate clever symbol is the rational and irrational mood, calm, agitated, power, military force, management, explosion, seeks the tapping, rob, are two very different binary condition and at an organic whole, so the baby lion birth repeatability is very strong, before a second narain, after a second with the individual be fond of can argue irrationally, the step is engaging the gentleman, the next step may be due to personal interests regardless of the image shows greed side, so the control of two controversial force, for the lion baby a lifetime of work.On the concrete life, two forces not only exists in the spiritual ideas and invisible potential, external can show is to create the strength of the material, brute force, violence, competitiveness, on the other side also contain rational power, management power, led power, wisdom, power, can play a huge influence quashed within the four seas problem is the baby's ability, big most also caused a lot of damage, so the must face all kinds of disputes the circumstances, to destruction of one thing, to meet the other side of the event.

Oriental classical theory of astrology _ the zodiac twelve constellation, Leo

How to harness the strength of the polarization is the issues of baby from birth to death, compared with other constellations regardless of periodic problem sets, wisdom of the angel with civilization and savage primitive violence, so the baby lion to continued success in life, is bound to soothe yourself bound state out of control, and expand the purpose of the growth is understanding the nature of the change, the trend of the environment, comply with the situation, facing the heart boiling desire, at the same time, the power of desire into civilization wisdom of creativity, can achieve extraordinary life, have a chance to become a generation of influential public figures or leading role.Like tai chi chuan, four two broken with daughter, namely tame wild desire wisdom, to refine the original desire of all the other amazing creativity, said lion baby learning environment since all the way with many can't use significance to solve the problem.

Part of the baby lion didn't complete each phase of the life lessons, prone to chaos, confusion, loss of specification, abuse of power, splurge, plunder, jealousy, taste, malignant behavior and the conditions of plunder and destruction, the original good since no tread every stage of the life lessons, cause the result of the dog in the manger.

§ Leo luck this month (July 5-4 August) §

Low overall luck:

Heavy in competition, especially easy to impulse, decision-making undistributed, lead to paralysis, die, part of the baby lion to response rationally, foster a clever solve the controversy, with intelligence to win, so the rational and irrational rivalry between how effort, for the main business of this month.

Low finances:

Whether business development, management, investment, etc., must be too close, this month there will be a little partial, but don't touch the inner desire and greed gambling is out of control, leading to loss of worth!Cost saving, and spending is to measure any factors accord with value, whether to use on the worth of blade, be very prudent for this month.

Low KaoXue/promotion:

Enter the readiness of the month, improve concentration is good this month KaoXue, promotion, dispatch, although very dangerous, but I'm afraid not enough endurance, and it's easy to lack of perfect one loses heart condition caused by the short.

When dating:

With feelings of lion baby, no matter how to cheer up with your partner back at the beginning of love, or two people will be tested in a lackluster feelings.In addition, family and partner easily have not quarrel between conflict, keep on both sides of the safety distance is an important topic of this month.Single baby lion best clearly, and waitThe Mid-Autumn festivalAfter brewing into new relationship nutrient seedlings.

Low relationships:

Keep a safe distance from the respect to the neutral position compromise coordinate policy direction for this month, if eager too, or efforts to fight, even if is short of, but in August and will be replaced by others damage after the Mid-Autumn festival.

Low physical health:(the zodiac/astro /)

The left head bilges, brain, tinnitus, hearing voices, on the left side of the spine bending or other related to the left of the vertebral body injury, myocardial infarction, heart palpitations, heart arrythmias, etc problem in this month to be mindful, mostly spontaneous dysfunctional problem is in the majority.

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