Oriental classical theory of astrology the zodiac, Aries

Oriental classical theory of astrologyThe zodiacAries

China as one of the world's ancient civilizations, astronomical astrology research leading to the western world for hundreds of years, but because of the geographical environment and the political culture lead to estrangement between China and western countries, as well as the exchange of Chinese and western never contacts and mutual influence.In accordance with the historical development of astronomical astrology signs of the zodiac signs of the zodiac index is not Greece in 3000 BC that are unique to classical astrology, the development of Chinese astrology until 1300 BC existing astrological oracle at that time, it was the shells Wu Yi period, appears before the development of Chinese astrology had quite a long time.

The following oracle records: "..., seven days have already evening, xinda star and fire...", points out: "seven days (JiSi) night sky appeared a new big star, near the location of Antares heart."Is visible to the record, said the world's earliest stars or supernova record.

Record Chinese astronomical astrology and zuo zhuan in the spring and autumn period of Ruben and 14 years (613 BC) in China the earliest record of Halley's comet.After 7 years in politics since the qin shi huang (214 BC) to 1910 a total of 29 back to Halley's comet, and not leak at a time.Chinese astrology preliminary complete time is in the 2nd century BC during the western han dynasty era until the 2nd century, astrological literature is quite big, in fact the Chinese astrology has a unique charm, don't in the western classical astrology and a magnificent and pragmatic style, unfortunately the imperial ideology of the Chinese society and the connotation of the humanities background often will such as "ghosts" masterpiece, but speak only contained in the transmission of Chinese culture is so weak, cause serious distortion in today's people to their own culture.

Oriental classical theory of astrology the zodiac, Aries _ the zodiac

We live in an age of revealed truth, everything is a distinguished school in stand in the sun, caused the Chinese academic circle is distorted as river's lake level nowadays, this responsibility is to blame all scholars, but have never to rationality and our society, it gives us great ancient civilizations on time.Horoscopes BC rao period began in China, traces the origin and even in ancient fuxi, shennong Chinese astrology for twelve constellations, and past dynasties have many astronomical instruments manufacturing, it seems that our ancestors were fairly pragmatic left many treasures for us, left a glorious history, if do not have imperial court's intervention and social closed habits of thinking, maybe our astronomical astrology can continue to lead the western society, and also to dongfeng west gradually, today, I will introduce Chinese classical astrological zodiac and introduction of Chinese and western astronomical system control at the same time, I want to break all the current society of classical Chinese astrology false myth and all thought custom frame!I want to let the Chinese astrology civilization of science and technology, the simple stand in the sun, will you accept clearly, and lead a Oriental ancient civilization of the new forces, because I do ten very sure we have this thick, and not be submerged, and the other the excellent conditions and elegance.

Chinese astrology Aries birthday in general and western ancient astrological despite about time zones, but the Chinese calendar is given priority to with almanac, suggest you can use the Internet or zodiac at hand before and after the query for fine-tuning your birthday on the control of the conversion, if you are not in this call after controlled according to the lunar calendar month, in the future, please pay attention to the new post astrological zodiac published in China, I will have published new classical Chinese astrology sign for everyone.

§ Chinese classical theory of astrology "Aries" birthday in March 21 - April 20

Zodiac controlled from February to march to the lunar calendar time - bases, birth month.

China's ancient astrological zodiac is different from the western ancient astrology is incisive concise representation of a people come to this world the origin and the main goal of subject, but the scenery experience also made intuitive core review, a total of five stages, you can use the perceptual perspective, nature also can use the application and practical attitude to life.

Chinese astrology Aries life origin for broad magnificent holding big step towards the goal of life subject, heroic kung can gather all the power of man, a leader of the posture, Chinese astrology Aries is not emphasized the heroic alone, fight alone, but because of the existence of he can gather the team strength of influential people, their birth month is the spring to summer development phase, represents the time in a year for thriving, passion for life with a very and gaining of force, after waiting for the arrival of summer blooms Mercedes Benz!Aries final topic in removing the subjective perception of life, life is the emperor of Aries can lead group, argue and not impulsive didn't love, but very soft, influenced many disparate elements within the team are easy to cause the ram's judgment deviation, and after a but believe something is indiscriminate become difficult to shake the stereotypes and very reluctant to admit wrong choice and judgment, to form the most satisfied when confronted with the threat of failure to pieces, so will know how to get rid of the ram are subjective prejudices, ears without filtration is soft, the shortcomings of white elephant, let yourself and your team QuWuCunJing, become the strongest squad and good personal accomplishment.

On the way of life from the first stage of the grand passion, most of the second phase of the life is studying for entering the society period, at this time of the ram is that being forthright and clear, and easy to get along with people, but at this time need to strengthen and bold and scruffy careless exquisite feeling, at this point is called the "shape" of the topic, if this phase of learning burnout, the life of the third stage after entering society, face a mandatory grovelling, despite repeated admonition crucible, at this time to learn history is slowing down, ease to understand things around, if can't keep up with the learning process, the environment will give endless depress to education, you were affected by you are willing to help you make around people watch you constantly being beaten but don't know how to help.Whether to complete his life subject, in the key stage 4, the most ready to thrive and start a family, this phase of the ram must learn patience, life grand mostly still dislocated in the early stages, only know how to enjoy together with satisfaction, also don't know how brave and leadership behind the need to pay the price, after the second phase of shaping, learning in a phase iii, came to the fourth stage is the theme of "persistent" and "benevolence", then the ram to remain in the persistent and love to learn acceptance and filtering, lead managers should learn to balance cooperation, enthusiasm and rational and mature decision makers, if did not complete this task in this phase, so the final phase will not be a major player, both inside and outside the excellent, is still a sand mixed and disorderly life.(the zodiac/astro /)

Chinese astrology Aries represent Numbers is 4, please do not think that the life spirit is characteristic of the western world, in fact, early in the development of Chinese astrology has a lot of literature and digital link, these figures will be used in the system such asThe I chingDivination, astrology has astrological system, 4 represents the organization and management, energy, a plan of action, the origin of the steady, but with concern, the Numbers behind the implications of this shows the ram through the test of five stages, must understand life is to have the power and the obligation of value relations, so after growth after the success of ram is not so joy, because already know the business, then the feeling soon gone.

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