Oriental classical theory of astrology twelve constellation, libra

Oriental classical theory of astrologyThe zodiaclibra

In September 24 - on October 23, you can compare, and zodiac is somewhere of the lunar month of the things after the contrast if due to a difference without fall into unitary month of the please continue to focus on the bo east of the zodiac.

Spirit number is 8, symbol of the Oriental libra things in coordination, fair and faithful, heartfelt, glory, causality, balanced, open and selfless, the number of 8 in Oriental spirit meaning is very special, with coexistence, represent the interaction of human society, on the surface you are independent individuals, each other but actually coexistence of network space and time, on behalf of the livelihood, wide soft power and infinite, but the power of the infinite is defined in party with the implications of the type, content with group of points, that want to live in such conditions, the east libra to afford things fair and balanced, faithful character, this is the east libra grasps the life, is also the subject of life.

Scales of justice in the west and the east it is of practical significance for the justice of different scales, the west emphasizes the sense of personality traits, libra scales in addition to the interpretation of personality, east also stressed environment gives such conditions, after all... to justice, not only the sole thickness in some people's patent, but the public than private yu, symbol of the Oriental libra advantages must be balanced together and the environment, otherwise the advantage is obviously a disadvantage.

Oriental classical theory of astrology zodiac - libra _ the zodiac

Down for centuries in libra fair and objective perspective is conducive to the east for life, because in the environment with many immediate judgment of good and evil, with words is now encountering "luck" time faster than any other sign of libra on causality between good and evil to take any view or presence of faith, this is true, but this is not the role of the judge, but to society as the function of credit rating agencies, to provide objective weigh the template for all comments, so a mainstay of the social morality must rely on the Oriental libra in life.Loyalty is the east the life qualities of libra, when things that don't appear in the social injustice and loyalty, compared to the others is easy to fill with righteous indignation;The core of Chinese astronomical exquisite holographic principle, the character of all the constellations, and the environment upon make, said the east libra justice environment from birth, and punishment and supervision is also the east who have decided to libra often appear.

Good analytical thinking and trade-off decision is the central idea of libra, always rely on past experience to create chance, that were once in the past years a lot of chance to clear, must make a judgment by heart and intuition to determine the direction of the execution.Because the east libra is always surrounded by a huge amount of information, the symbol of himself all the ins and outs of the artificial came very fast, so it made good evil themselves is an express, so all the words and deeds of thought should always remind yourself to be honest, fair and survival in such an environment can get grace from selfish and care less, but if the diligent manner, will be social public praise, to the east of the life qualities of libra namely "all stand in the sun", if actions have deception, betrayal, dishonesty, gourd ladle secretly, no honor and unjust things, so will soon take the consequences.

§ libra luck this month (July 5-4 August) §

Low overall luck:

Since may and June the stagnation of everything and come to this month and will restart, to get new resources, so this month is holding various to try and effort, the brewing stage, although the conditions of the expected gains by some distance, but at this point has been slowly back, suggested this month libra, but in everything, your cloth, has positive significance, is worth to try you, August 5, after all can enter orbit.

Low finances:

Investment if your cloth, this month can make some small and scattered investment, if in the past five or six months ago to the investment of libra fortune when at one point, but not too close, come to this month and will face another wave of a price correction.Business is restart, modification plan, adjustment phase, in order to make the next task will be able to get the proper channels, suggested this month libra can in a can condition, for colleagues, chief executive, the customer to care, gifts, enter August 5 will have a good business.

Low KaoXue/promotion:

The current in the phase of efforts to libra is hesitate to his chosenThe testDepartment whether appropriate, both want to participate and be afraid of the results than expected, and current efforts could all disk turning in "hesitation", in the face of promotion or transformation of the review is still in the preliminary stage, even though to accept, but the exact message has not yet entered the audit, suggested this month should be to expand the study and practice, to listen to your intuition in the efforts to the final stage and into August 5, can have your good message!

When dating:

With feelings of libra, this month to define the relationship between the two people, and both sides of the life, if in the past in a state of dispute, this month to launch the fair and honest attitude to restart dialogue with your partner, this foundation adopted the policy of tolerance and compromise. You will also get a partner goodwill response, reconstruction of both sides of the tacit understanding, the autumn season will be a positive development;Part of the libra for practical considerations, life planning, and partners are sentient beings, but does not have the desired tacit understanding, try stage in terms of the agreement is not complete, if with romance but unmarried libra, is likely to encounter the engagement rimmon but helpless to cancel fate;Single libra, this month is suitable for the occasion into a variety of legitimate paves the way for future, will have a goodwill, thoughtfulness, shy of the opposite sex friends, but at various stages of ambiguous, at a time when trying to choose, must after August 5, will be the direction of the decision.

Low relationships:

And experienced teachers, elders in this month for modesty and learning, because the next months libra want to start the past experiences and opportunities, and apply it in the future.

Low physical health:(the zodiac/astro /)

This month beware bones and muscles, body pressure, crash and burn, accidental injury, such as other neuritis, body physique inflammation is quite pay attention to, kidney seeper, kidney stones, renal cyst also this month aimed at some problems such as libra, please be sure to do the health check.

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