Oriental classical theory of astrology twelve constellation, Capricorn

Oriental classical theory of astrologyThe zodiacCapricorn

In dec 22 - January 20, you can compare, and zodiac is somewhere the child ugly month, if because of a difference without fall after the contrast in the child's ugly, please continue to focus on the bo east of the zodiac.

Oriental Capricorn spirit for 1 to 5, the balance of terror is Capricorn number represents the spirit of the east, A lot of the time means compromise to reality, barter life, yes, both in the choice of one's life, but the characteristics of Oriental Capricorn is more intense and bright, to achieve A sacrifice B, sacrifice in order to meet the B C, please note that I use the "sacrifice" to emphasize here, rather than use measure or trade-offs, let everybody understand the choice of Oriental Capricorn has more strong man DuanWan oracle.

Spirit number 1 represents the self-centered in personality, integrity, pure and associate development pattern, but still owe experience hone connection with the reality, so need to pass outside the smelting of more sophisticated and mature.Spirit number 5 lines represented the things that need assistance, guidance of spirit and faith, in other words, on behalf of the parties concerned by the lack of 5, limited, a crossroads, clue disorders need a helping hand, in the spirit and the number 5 have often for the key to the solution set, 5 representative limitations is not only because the parties after get help and obtain complete freedom, on the contrary, because of the help must then take control by some restriction or condition, so the combination of 1 to 5 is, in order to complete their original intention, in the process encountered many compared to other signs of serious reality test of a strong man DuanWan, is the body is unable to avoid, give up as if in the different phase of my life going to give up their love, freedom, and preferences, such as achievement behind a period of love in friendship painted a bloodstain, the achievements of the stake in the family behind a mark, in short can use "a work into dry of all ages," blood in glory, said the east Capricorn life faces many significant and situation, want to have success and his willingness to fight, or a lifetime bond will be difficult to form the climate.

Oriental classical theory of astrology zodiac - Capricorn _ the zodiac

This change is very cruel, but 1 to 5 on the number of Oriental Capricorn spirit has not changed are not allowed to do choice, just 5 itself with the lack of meaningful, pointing to the material or spirit, or the lack of both, to the east Capricorn must open framework to break through, east of the growth in material abundance Capricorn, seems to be living in a cage of gorgeous, rich family serious sacrifice personal freedom of choice, want to start your own life, will have to give up rich environment, perhaps an independent process was difficult, but after the baptism of the reality and the signings of inside and outside of grow and learn, will help to complete the east Capricorn personality and spirit;Lack of growth in general supplies family, even the poor Oriental Capricorn, since the childhood with a life of freedom, but the gap between ideal and reality, the future of the journey must break away from home, to the extent of the "give up" "sacrifice" happiness, otherwise and removed one's kin fate shallow, or the frequent interaction between the form, but the heart of the distance does not reach the designated position, Capricorn is a typical "loyalty dilemma, east's dilemma and, in the eyes of ordinary people vulnerable to becoming a sacrifice others achievement own selfish ghost, but little imagine, even though the east Capricorn really don't want to, the reality of the situation decided to give to this kind of problem, even if not to do so on forms, but always sense to force him to draw and give up some boundary in different stage, to ensure that their worldly, achievement goal.And part of the east Capricorn has a characteristic, often because of family or their own development factors, the parents died the moment miss song zhong, know information the moment of being with busy their own thing, in a state of body and mind to miss two fights.

In the western world Capricorn more elaborated on the character of real utilitarian, but the east Capricorn are necessary ingredients, materialistic modern M type, more points east Capricorn struggle to cope with reality, and after a brutal practice winners, definitely not one of the Oriental Capricorn loaded.May reality prompt Oriental Capricorn control to possessive desire, but also explain the fact of fundamental and evolution from Capricorn itself is not easy to be satisfied ambition, assuming a love in Capricorn, east show Capricorn yourself easily control the desires of others, but in fact is to let themselves into the bound his own circle, for another thing, too, when the east Capricorn into control, success and status are, in turn, is the definition of success and status vanity to control, because of his ambition, control themselves become captives role, no matter how successful the outward appearance, but hard to get inner true happiness and enrichment, if you want to present Oriental Capricorn life qualities for "sell my soul to take control of vanity", I think too much.

But it is interesting to note that most of the eastern Capricorn is not willing to taste the full internal and break the bondage of so, rather than accept the status, since growth in material, in sight to measure everything by materialistic view, although some Capricorn horizons is narrow, although they know that they are narrow, but they are only willing to admit that the current content, even though they know it is going to give a certain degree of real self, said the east Capricorn of 1 to 5 have a strong idea of "deal" or "relationship", although the control of external luxuriant, since all the various situation of necessity, despite severe heart empty empty or pain, but they still willing to indulge in charge of the eyes, taste is pain and happiness with others.

Must get rid of this framework is not difficult, is not to take the extreme eastern Capricorn sacrifice, as long as they are willing to established thinking of reverse thinking, can achieve the balance state of trade-offs, although come easy, but the east Capricorn nature has strong control has made strong bondage, unless the life suffered what unreasonableness, Capricorn is likely to overturn the east prison without breaking the formulation of ambitions, from this point of view, is the echo back to the foregoing, must go through strong man DuanWan extreme ready to exchange for fully understanding the characteristics of life?

§ Capricorn luck this month (July 5-4 August) §

Low overall luck:

Conflict, act, and controversial, emergency and malignant static tension, attention, for this month is the east of Capricorn, can successful friendship to be faced with the family leave, resolve disputes, for the various rights and interests is this month Capricorn people are trapped in the state, so the arrival of the success and satisfaction is standing in the extreme condition of give up, will feel some pity.But some Capricorn caution momentum with impulse ambitions, explore the consequences of a failure, a miracle.

Low finances:

Must use strategic intelligence to overcome this month of the malignant competition environment, can succeed in the business from counsel to paraphrase, difficult current just give you a red and a moment of opportunity, how to weave for straight, how resistance become power is the star of this month.

Please do not just their goals can one pace reachs the designated position, it will make you sense of speed in the chase accidentally overturned because a andwho stone.Investments, please be sure to do your homework, currently you can play all kinds of investment in the price of the chaos, suggest to August 5 in consideration in the future.

Low KaoXue/promotion:

The past efforts will be in this month degree, to monitor the status of the past few months is calm to deal withThe testOr assessment, or let go a Po then impatient and not concentrate, can be directly to you from here under, KaoXue so, promotion.

When dating:

With feelings of Capricorn, if can reverse thinking understanding partner committed to the policy, that it is not difficult to know that everything is just the same, don't have to insist on his own way, a lot of time to achieve a goal, or in this paper, the reason to the wild to the same position with different Angle and common analytical thinking tentacles, just afraid of too much of your control, make communication both sides form banish tension, so as to unnecessary third party or the third person from the outside in, cause unnecessary confusion.

Single Capricorn who want to know the use of the present time, holding the vision we sincerity to communicate with the opposite sex, you will find that the original mutual affinity is not just in the same mind to understand, if an utter opinionated, this month met the people of the opposite sex is also fairly strong, so will cause the sullen, despise each other.

Low relationships:

Interpersonal interaction and mutual, while with trade, but also can accept as long as with sincerity, maybe you are too greedy in charge of the friendship, affection, love, you must understand that there are dominant arrange coordinate and communicate with each other of sincerity, intermediate planning, strong is not the same as control.

Low physical health:(the zodiac/astro /)

This month pay attention to the neck shoulder joint, cranial neck seam, the position of the knee and ankle, non-stop pace prone to accident or spontaneous sprain injury, etc.

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