Oriental classical theory of astrology zodiac - cancer

Oriental classical theory of astrologyThe zodiaccancer

In June 22 - July 22, you can compare, and zodiac is somewhere of the sixth month, if because of a difference without fall after the contrast in the sixth month, please continue to focus on the bo east of the zodiac.

Oriental spirit of cancer number is 7, the symbol of the thing, decision-making, execution, courage, and control action, and the western cancer exquisite degree of rationality, responsibility and bear not only the maternity and family connections, is involved in the decision-making of liability, so the east cancer is not geared to sensitive and emotional character, body and identity, often seemingly master decision-making power, but in fact bear the liability limit of reality, the symbol of a person have too much more than is expected to view the default language to the control of resources, is also not the physical situation of the Lord, seemingly perfect internal and external conditions, at this moment "proper choice", "appropriate decisions", "inside and outside integration", "right choice".Have to use the past experience to control all the actions, auxiliary himself down in the right direction, emphasize flexible at the same time, general Oriental cancer more have the courage to decide, just rimmon phase will also want to hesitate the recheck.Because of facing life status often given the choice of action, so when a negative face communication, alone, wondering, not harmonious, the phenomenon of no idea, compared with the flag he constellation negative status, the cancer in the face of things to come quite lengthy, must the cobwebs, fire makes sweet malt.

East constellation cancer foundation of life over other restraint and precocious, emphasize cancer sensitive if western astrology, the east cancer present since childhood, the spirit of power, for most of the things in life will continue to observe repeatedly, from the external evidence has gradually become the "heart" of internal, so entrenched ideas from Oriental giant xie heard and connect for a long time, the same perceptual creation, more rational human feeling, the human side of intellectualization, ready to help others is far east born nature.So strong NaLianXing Oriental cancer, this is an endless supply of perceptual creation and rational thinking, don't worry about the lack of the strong reengineering function, and they were afraid to do not have your own energy, this a good original intention that lead up to the flood control situation, it will be more help more busy, glamour, the first phase of the project for effective control, "control" of life.

Oriental classical theory of astrology zodiac - cancer _ the zodiac

When effective control over their task to carry out the first stage, into the second phase of the project to "active", in terms of passivity and western cancer about the same, but the cancer of the east passive originated in inertia, rather than the emotional, sensitive nervous produces the east in the instinct at passive acceptance of the cancer, has done too much for its own inside and outside and the inherent range of body and mind, willing to pay more to take the initiative to help others, show little initiative, not they don't want to, but always held more than the less about the idea, wait for others to help, at this time the subject of active play to Orient the cancer study and action, fusion on one stage accumulation of the effective control of human assets, and get the phase of the positive feedback.

Soon after, in the third stage into the society and will face the external social and family life change, regardless of personnel or material issue, then the cancer to the role as a mainstay, swimming turning in the bridge between the relationship, the function of hang, by the previous two stages to this time it's not hard to find, was a late bloomer is the essence of cancer, the current time will determine the future can become a dark horse from behind.

Fourth stage about career and start a family, if the front three issues have to implement the learning phase, the order will show elegance, fangyuan measured inside and outside of all, is a business operator, the important pillar of top management, family, interpersonal up-and-coming important part, yinghua blossom and inside collect control right.Then end directly into the fifth stage of the project - the light of "perfect", was supposed to begin from the first stage of the life, to the life of perfect still need to learn to control the external and internal, limited by incomplete, but through the baptism of the years

, the task of cancer is to fully accommodate each face in life like resources, in between the ponder, easily so far older no longer because they do not understand all aspects of the complete control and limited, to our rich experience and wisdom, instead, one instance become enlightened, at the same time, rich ability to help others as well as their future success.On the contrary, if there are no truly implement each stage topic, cancer easily into depression, and artificial arrogant because he feels inferior, unreasonable delay, escape, stubborn, inefficient, slow the phenomenon such as overly dramatic expression.

§ cancer luck this month (July 5-4 August) §

Low overall luck:

Everything negative, fatigue, soft, flexible, is this month baby crabs, because always has a lot of uncertainty, the environment of all things to make a cancer were adjusted, the but again no acknowledgement, cause things to plug back, if not forget about it is revoked, or reduce the principle, this month is suitable for traveling, or unloaded serious things will stagnate, from the current situation, focus on people management, outside the study, both tourism and other things easily.

Low finances:

If you can see the status quo, to avoid unnecessary loss, such as investment, property owners, be careful because of the contract, the communication error cognitive differences, cause unnecessary disputes.Relatively good fortune in the occasion of the first party from the beer and skittles realize center introduced the business opportunity, but this month everything hides the bad, so must filter is this month.

Low KaoXue/promotion:

Whether promotion, scheduling, KaoXue, although have achievement but not ideal, the defects for the conclusion of this month, promotion, communication with unequal power, unequal, benefits and responsibility

Most original say good or ready to change in expectations are temporary cut, qualification is still in the outside, but meaningful decline change, take an examination of scholars is to reduce voluntary choice.

When dating:

The crab with partner baby, this month's lack of understanding, although still in emotional foundation, but both sides of the tightness is loose at the moment, less communication, reduce the appeal, both sides should seek common preferences and learn to run, or the chance of cooling, part of the baby crabs have partner face because all human traction and realistic economic reasons, have to change and partners say good life plan originally, make the relations between the two people the tacit understanding of pillar gradually loosened, proposal should timely adjust the pace of the external, and compensate your partner well!

Single baby crabs, after a few months ago the dispute and negative, this month began brewing feeling kind of, suggest to begin to come out, you will get plenty of goodwill response!

Low relationships:

This month can timely show the helpful attitude, although what environment can't give you too much, but doing so can reduce your this month is not blocked by identity of things, to do good for the more the better interpersonal can improve this month, let you be in the business benefits and emotional, but please take more careful financial aspects, not suitable for people to invest, also not suitable for the extra lending.

Low physical health:(the zodiac/astro /)

This month, please pay attention to the gut, the female crab are pay more attention to other urological and gynecological problems.

Oriental classical theory of astrology zodiac - cancer related content

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