Oriental classic astrological theory of the zodiac, Gemini

Oriental classical theory of astrologyThe zodiacGemini

Birthday in May 22 - June 21, contrast almanac about the third sixth month, you can use the Internet for free calendar and lunar calendar controls, or specialty edge almanac, if the difference in some not have lunch, please continue to focus on this Po to you.

Twin Gemini of eastern astrology and western astrology is a little similar, the same, and in the expression of duality and polarity of volatility, the difference is that the east of the Gemini its represent Numbers is 6, knowledge communication, choice, the poles appear in the life journey of the turn is quite large, the western astrological interpretation of Gemini focus on Gemini itself to individualize the poles and judgment, and the east of the Gemini is aimed at the life journey and transforming choice, present the different life period, the twist issues will decide whether or not a Gemini future east to establish a mature charm of knowledge connotation and interpersonal network, therefore, Oriental Gemini started life subject in "wide", implement the integration "specialization", if can complete the one phase of the practice, the Oriental Gemini boy will become a veritable g-star, in adversity, and on behalf of the underemployed, communication estrangement, I did it my way.

First stage Gemini task in life is to learn the "second or even third philosophy", learn to stand on the shoulders of giants enhance vision, expand the visibility, enrich knowledge is Gemini compared with other constellations lifetime from the subject, perhaps the Gemini in the study period, unlike the Taurus with heavy life issues, relatively wide have to focus our energy to the study, and thus make the twin king real information, knowledge, and the king, but the rest of the life level can say almost life idiot, do not deliberately emphasizing ambitions for this stage, this stage is not steadfast, if this period of practice, to the next phase will not be put to good use in interpersonal sharing thick accumulation.

Second phase of the Gemini subject as "enrichment and sharing", than their peers to use what they have learned to life and interpersonal, although on one phase only focus on knowledge learning, but here must learn to share knowledge, to accumulate contacts with share, accumulate teachers for their own good will, at the same time enhance the Gemini communication and judgment ability, if this phase can share with the practicalities of enrichment, will be able to in the third stage after a huge change get noble help, through the turning point of hone show young success proud achievement, on the other hand, will become the sword of burial, early in general is a typical otaku or rice worm.

Oriental classical theory of astrology the zodiac, Gemini _ the zodiac

The third stage will face a major turning point, the topic is "the test of judgment and choice", hone choose the resilience of the time the key, such as the good development of go abroad or to stay at home, some emotional object choice, job choice, choice of friendship and interests, this choice is mostly opposite sex, facing the situation does not allow more compromise, give attention to two or morethings symbol decision will affect the future long-term life at this time, come here just test the second stage of the life is ready to share knowledge, accumulated contacts.

Crossed the life change after the turn of the third stage, Gemini have understood function expand your circle of experience, so it can stand, external seemingly casual soft, inner has toughness, not easy to destroy, but even so, the twin natural diet of performance is still in its empirical expression, not into the heart of comfortable feeling, this topic is called "finding himself" inner, this stage of the linkage and the final target related closely, journey throughout other signs are relatively buffer time, but the interlocking of Gemini buffer is very short, must complete inner practice in this phase, the integration of Gemini didn't have the means to success and coordinate with internal and external environment changing rapidly.

§ Gemini luck this month (July 5-4 August) §

Low overall luck:

After a series of competition in May and June, tension, communication and estrangement, knot mind, etc., this month to change of experience things in standing on the sidelines, still should not have any big this month, suit to put everything of life in the most simple, members can pick up,

If you emphasize the initiative communication and position, still be no environmental acceptance and identity, light person be treated with indifference, the person that weigh in discord.

Low finances:

Will have extra pocket money, the additional income or part-time work with people, but even so less than the pursuit of financial growth opportunity, at this time no one will stop the work you want to expand financial resources, but is still facing the increase of wage income, services, investment at this time easy fool boast irresponsible people, the other is to pay attention to cost accounting, this month's entertainment consumption is very thick, part of the Gemini work contract according to this book, if cut corners to get immediate and condemnation of the punishment.

Low KaoXue/promotion:

Not ideal, there is no heart in learning and assessment standard is one of the biggest reasons for promotion, some Gemini is have no confidence, in spite of examination questions, or the inspection standard is difficult to do, to make out the result is not ideal, if this month has been inspection by before, since the beginning of this June so far is on pins and needles, because they can't get around to cooperate and support, subordinates, or even the younger generation will, in turn, education you, other is mostly lazy, overwhelmed, this month the appropriate learning is a process experience, rather than make achievements.

When dating:

Be careful this month because of lack of flexibility, which leads to the touch, from the crisis, to give up, negative, separation, unreasonable, and discard the is this month's Gemini lover will some attitude, Suggestions should be laid down that all standard, follow one's inclinations of the innocent playmates can promote both feelings oh ~ instead

If the single Gemini, this month still regard themselves good heavy!If you meet someone for your pursuit must wait more, because there are great chance met irresponsible emotional player.

Low relationships:

Only one sentence: "to preserve our sanity."Shoulds not be too much to participate in gossip, because things don't blame warning let you back under the condition of leak.

Low physical health:(the zodiac/astro /)

Please attention to the problem of obesity, metabolism and circulation suffocate, the problem was with the illness, also please pay attention to the body of communication conflict, and careless dyu on traffic accident.

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