Sagittarius meteor shower

  SagittariusMeteor shower

Sagittarius (Sagittarius) meteor shower may not have, if any, is also small.

This is from the meteor shower is how to speak of.Of the meteor shower is thought to be associated with the meteor, the meteor is often produced by comets split pieces, therefore, meteor orbit is often associated with the orbit of the comet. Groups of a meteor shower meteors are formed.So when we see a meteor shower is just is the earth through the orbit of the comet (pieces), and then, named after the name of the element of radiant point in the direction of Sagittarius may comets orbit is just above his rare, so rarely heard a Sagittarius meteor shower.

Sagittarius meteor shower is in 1957-1958 were found, the Wisconsin (A.A.W eiss) is a meteor radar research, he reported that the group can produce 30 or so per hour traffic, radiant point in the right ascension of 304 degrees, declination - 36 degrees.Wiese said before 1957 are not observed the group activities, and in 1957 reached almost equipment limits.Date will be on June 11, for 5 days.

When he's (G.G artrell) and urban f (W.G.E lford) were observed with more advanced equipment, only four meteor were observed, appeared in the June 10, radiant point in the right ascension of 297 degrees, declination - 34 degrees.

Few visual observation of the group reports, especially the most famous of the southern hemisphere meteor shower table didn't have contact radiant point is given.Mainly for Jeff Woodward (Jeff Wood) in 1980 led his western observers from the meteor organization observations, this is called the "microscope base alpha meteor shower" group with maximal on June 11, radiant point in the right ascension of 305 degrees, declination - 36 degrees, ZHR 1.43 + / 0.13.British association of meteor shower ephemeris gives the group activity time for June 8-16, ZHR up to 4, radiant point in the right ascension of 304 degrees, declination - 35 degrees.

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