Libra meteor shower

  libraMeteor shower

Libra meteor shower is the most important found evidence of what Ronald macintyre (Ronald arjun cIntosh) published in 1935, the south day meteor index and jersey, Mr Carney, (Zdenek Sekanina) two radio meteor programme.

  Libra the orbit of meteor shower

Macintyre assorted in his index has two radiant point is quite similar, based on 9, 134 in the past have been observed, activity time April 13-21, radiant point 233.5 degrees from the right ascension and declination - moved to the right ascension of 19 degrees 238.5 degrees, 22 degrees declination -.No. 141 is based on three of the past have been observed, activity time on April 17 to 19, the average radiant point in the right ascension of 236 degrees, declination to 15 degrees.

Mr Carney, called the group of "day said meteor shower", activity time from March 24 to May 7, holiday time April 17.6 27.2 degrees longitude (sun), the average radiant point in the right ascension of 232.1 degrees, 16.0 degrees declination -.Mr Carney, observed the second observation are similar in the two groups, the first he thought to be the first observation of confirmation, also known as "tiancheng" meteor shower, March 10, activity time - on April 21, holiday time April 5.5 15.2 degrees longitude (sun), the average radiant point in the right ascension of 224.3 degrees, 12.8 degrees declination -.The second group is referred to as "day call theta meteor shower", activity time from March 11 to May 5, for a little time for April 18.4 27.9 degrees longitude (sun), the average radiant point in the right ascension of 236.3 degrees, 18.4 degrees declination -.

Only more observation data from William tannin (William F.D enning), April 16-21, 1887, 5 observed from the right ascension of 235 degrees, 15 degrees declination - slow meteor.

  May the libra meteor shower

The group of the first three American meteor noticed that the members of the association.On May 5, 1929, alonzo mourning (Oscar E.M onnig) and Brown (Robert Brown) first observed in this group.Alonzo mourning and brown painted a total of five meteors, 229.5 degrees from the right ascension and declination - 16 degrees, and the observation time is on May 5.32, authenticity is low.Third Sanders (Blakeney Sanders) observed 3 from the right ascension of 234 degrees, declination to 18 degrees of meteor, observation time is 5.35 days, reliability is low.

In 1933 two observers saw it - this time observers from Germany.On May 2, cut (N.R ichter) observed radiant point in the right ascension of 231 degrees, declination - 20 degrees.A day later, HuoFuMei stern (Cuno Hoffmeister) observed radiant point in the right ascension of 235 degrees, declination - 19 degrees.In 6, as a result of the right ascension of 226 degrees, declination - 16 degrees.

Ronald macintyre assorted (Ronald arjun cIntosh) published in 1935, the south day meteor index, also there are two possible group is given more information about a meteor shower.132, radiant, "day said gamma meteor shower", based on two radiant point in the past have been observed, activity time on May 9 to 11, the average radiant point in the right ascension of 232 degrees, declination to 15 degrees.Radiant point 133, "day said 42 meteor shower", activity time, May 3-9, the average radiant point in the right ascension of 233 degrees, 23.5 degrees declination -, based on three radiant point.

After the 1930 s, this group of people rarely observed.Paul Anderson (Paul Anderson) on May 7.24 in 1942, four observed from the right ascension of 233 degrees, declination to 18 degrees of meteor, harvard meteor plan on May 1, 1954 a 0.1 May be observed within the group of meteor, radiant point in the right ascension of 230 degrees, declination - 19 degrees.Radio meteor plan in 1961-1965 on May 3-7, also observed within the group of several possible meteor, head inside the jersey, carney na (Zdenek Sekanina) determining the holiday time is on May 5.8, longitude 44.8 degrees (the sun), the radiant point located on the right ascension of 233.0 degrees, 19.5 degrees declination -.

Finally, two famous amateur astronomical society of the observed data.The chairman of the royal astronomical society of New Zealand ministry of meteor MoGang (J.E.M outraged) led his members for a long period of time the meteor observations were made, including 126 group, observed between May 4-15, and was known as the "day said lambda meteor shower", radiant point in the right ascension of 236 degrees, 19.5 degrees declination -, ZHR biggest can reach 6.Jeff, head of the national association of planetary observers meteor department Wood (Jeff Wood) and he has observed a observation group called "day said K meteor shower" group, activity May 5-6, 5, 3.30 + / 0.72, radiant point in the right ascension of 233 degrees, declination - 19 degrees.In 1980 they observed day said ι meteor shower, activity time May 3-4, maximum ZHR on May 3rd at 2.15 + / - 0.10, radiant point in the right ascension of 232 degrees, declination - 20 degrees.

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