A letter to a libra

  tolibraA letter from the

Libra's kind and warm-hearted and kindness blent compassionate and emotional way to justice and moderation are reluctant to extreme honest modest is a romantic idealists tend to sacrifice personality strong enterprising with flexible smart and good questioning mind often have special ideas.

Libra is very easy to hurt easily inferiority is easy to meet is easy to fall in love with a person is very easy to tear easily...But it is hard to hard to forget a person out of the sadness is trying hard to betray friendship and love is hard to have refused to hard to live up to myself.Libra willing to sacrifice their own interests will protect the interests of others really worth extensively in libra.

Pursuit of the perfect scales have been waiting for a love without defects scales will not casually selfless love but if love is the single scales persistent patient a lot of people thought that TA high demand is only apparently know TA just want to find the feeling.Once dated for silly scales will rink hijinks tao lung pay a complaint or regret to love.Scales is a sensitive signs of the zodiac dating each other is the TA of the world.

Libra sometimes heart will sense of uncomfortable don't know what to with the people around you sometimes joshed felt lonely and look out the window quietly abnormal will feel is a man of easily forgotten.Sometimes coldly looking at noisy people around you.Sometimes think the world is really false hypocritical really want to just disappear from this world.

Don't think that sociable libra has a very good temper that would be wrong.If TA never temper with a people's congress, can only explain a little TA doesn't give the person as a true friend to prove that this person has not really into the TA inside still have at least a little distance.General libras will be more relaxed in front of their very close to people but also easy to lose his temper.

Libra the sense that gives a person is always elegant temperament not angry always seemed very modest attitude is very good for everybody.In fact privately also will only in front of the person is very close to show the lazy vexatious.Scales are relatively rational rarely emotions can give a person the sense of uncertainty in the measure if you give her some time it will be very flat and agile.

Libras always a lever balance scales in heart don't like quiet life was suddenly broken with coordination of peaceful character.Libra is ruled by Venus TA for beauty and harmony with his be fond of and aesthetic point of view.Libra's natural appearance elegant behave gently with both boys and girls have valuable exquisite quality will always contain the art talent and inspiration.

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