A letter to the Scorpio

  toScorpioA letter from the

Scorpio hate hypocrisy hate lies and deceit.Scorpio actually often go even one hundred injustice are used in their own way to bear alone.In fact, no one can see real pain.He is very pay attention to fair will share all things clear not to take advantage of others.He is a very heavy sentiment as long as he sincerely friends will treat wholeheartedly.

The newsletter Scorpio love didn't love call a lazy eggs.To the special person will be the exception is a strong pride over money is better than the business is better than love.Scorpio needs to get along slowly because Scorpio is a passive signs of the zodiac constellation constellation put don't open a slow fall in love at first sight it is difficult to happen in Scorpio Scorpio's love takes time.They will like a lot of people are hard to fall in love with a person.

Scorpion is big bet is always pressure for love if we can win the TA will be the happiest person in this world can don't care about all the other things.But once lost the pain will close the TA again makes heart never open to anyone because in TA life can not bear the blow of second this already.Maybe TA will use smile to cover up the smilebleedingThe wound.

Said some say Scorpio shameless TA will soon forget the past and if someone walked into the TA Scorpio's heart will be hard to turn to turn even bring TA will be pain.Scorpio small wrapped himself in fact Scorpio is afraid of loneliness.TA very afraid of his beloved the man disappeared too dependent on that person might feel TA apathy Scorpio can every day in the heart want to again and again.

Scorpio doesn't like to quarrel with silence most of the time instead of inner feelings.But if the result is met very angry TA will atone mouth not outspoken is no difficulty in the world the most vicious of the language spoken to each other each other.Two days but not a Scorpio themselves active reflection gaffes and regret for their own words.

Scorpio man unlikely to accept the opinions of others even kept to persuade others nodded on the surface, the in the mind still has its own set of.Scorpio is hardly understand sense motive, if have change Scorpio lover sentiment will think a lot of thought is oneself what went wrong.Then you will attract a lover discontent!In fact Scorpio and don't want to just personality defects, TA is easy to think too much.

The scorpion nothing like paranoia.Character and temperament are extreme sleepiness love music is easy to be moved like physical contact with the person I like wanted to rub it in that kind of body.Some pessimistic domination has strong dependence paranoid flawlessness double character is generally resist a man approaches don't like to hear someone talking constantly around often show don't care about everything.

Scorpio is sometimes hard to figure out their way of thinking in daily life and even make you obsession.They not only sexy matchless to any other members of the opposite sex but also possesses the energy they will be cruel exactly and to his wife is warmth.And the scorpion is easy as long as your phone keeps open for them don't not answer their phone out party is willing to take them so the scorpion is definitely the best partner.

When Scorpio and your lovers begin when they will be very difficult with firmly is a kind of never concessions to the other potential of gas in the first place.Scorpio is a long period of time began to think of each other's good and their active seek reconciliation with partners like nothing happened.Although the scorpion is that some of the gas inside a see lovers and "stupid" in the past this is what I know of Scorpio self-contradictions self-imposed torture Scorpio.

Scorpio is eager to understand but I do not expect to understand content with loneliness more willing to loneliness.Scorpio's advantage for people with ulterior motives to be able to see and be ignored completely.Maybe when you smug Scorpio wants to argue is the last of the animal.Scorpio is such a mentality chastely self-surrender gloomily was cool under flat and agile.As long as you don't touch the bottom line is everything all right.

Scorpio people have a passion for power like to have their own way of thinking.Money and material is indispensable to you but never use it to bound his own hands and feet you for those who work for career had helped people always yearned for your generosity.Scorpio people often need to continuously in busy like to do it yourself to do like to improve their working and living environment like update their ideas.

Scorpio in love easy to entertain foolish ideas can't stand being ignored to ignore the feeling of a little also not if the other ignore TATA will himself out not to come down to earth after a pile into a dead end.And then the other half a phone broke down all the thoughts.Want to control the but again don't make a decision.Scorpio surface strong weak heart want to occupy the but again afraid of too much confidence and inferiority was mixed.

Scorpio will not easily love they will defend themselves.If you can withstand the test of Scorpio every possible way and the devil training so he will be lucky to be her love they afraid too seriously afraid they too intense love cold like ice love it hot can make you very comfortable from.Their thoughts are more extreme either love or not love.So Scorpio's love will always be vigorous.

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