Scorpio meteor shower

  ScorpioMeteor shower

Scorpio meteor shower is Scorpio near a meteor shower radiants.

  Scorpio's meteor shower

Activity: a year in June 17 solstice after June 26;

Jisheng date: June 20th climax;

Maximum number of popular per hour (ZHR) : 15

Radiant point location: right ascension: 17 h 20 m (275 degrees), declination - 20 degrees

Bright stars near the radiant point: Scorpio's star

Meteor shower characteristics description: meteor shower is slow, high brightness

  Scorpio meteor shower

Cannot see the existence of Scorpio galaxies in the northern hemisphere. Only in the southern hemisphere. In the summer. Every year on June 17 solstice on June 26th. After copiously date on June 20, climax;The most popular number 15 per hour.

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