Aries meteor shower

  AriesMeteor shower

Aries meteor showers occur in every year on May 22 solstice between July 2, the biggest issue on June 7th.Radiant point near the Perseid zeta, is the most spectacular meteor shower the day within a year.Its source is unclear, but scientists generally considered to be an asteroid 1566 icarus.

1947 people observed Aries meteor shower, discovery is based in the UK about del baker's radar.Activities from the start on May 30, until June 17.Radiant point has not been carefully identify, just be sure in ascension 45 to 55 degrees, declination between 25 to 35 degrees.

In 1947 after all large radar observed Aries meteor shower, Mary meng (Mary Almond) determines the orbit in 1951, although the orbital inclination has been identified as 18 degrees, but amon carefully studied the start and the end of the path inclination, and points out that at the start of the orbital inclination of 3 degrees, and activities at the end of the path inclination to 34 degrees, which means that rail center daily from the ecliptic.

Orbital inclination of the doubt since 1951 has been confirmed, Australia, the United States and the Soviet union observers got 19 - the results of 38 degrees.Findings published in Australia in the year of 1975, open a door to solve this problem.

Plus, (G.G artrell) and urban (W.G.E lford) observed in the middle of 1969, six activity may be associated with Aries meteor shower, these group of orbit inclination ranged from 2.4 to 65.3 degrees.He points out that "the group of the orbital inclination increase phenomenon has not been found."That is to say, the difference between different group of change seems to is the point of Aries meteor track problem.

The same confusion and determination of the group of days drift.By 1951, the year, the (A.A spinall) and Hawkins (Sheldon horowitz at Gerald awkins) according to the result of some del baker was analyzed, and the daily drift is given right ascension + 0.74 degrees, 0.92 degrees declination +.Barros (K.B ulough) using about del baker's data from 1950 to 1953 as a result of the ascension + 0.48 degrees, 0.30 degrees declination +.There are other analysis results.Davidson (T.W.D avidson) in 1956 using del baker about 1950-1955 data were right ascension + 0.47 degrees, 0.39 degrees declination +.Karsh's cutting (B.L.K ashcheyev) and don't delay in time (V.N.L ebedinets) in 1960 as a result of the ascension + 0.7 degrees, 0.1 degrees declination +.Explanation for the results of these mess is not regulated, and it may be that such a group of complexity, this statement in analysis, and urban plus for a certain support, they think that Aries meteor shower is made up of several pieces with different pieces with different amount of drift.

Other contents on this group of is not good.According to the results of the about del baker's radiant point diameter of 3 degrees, flow between 54-76 per hour.In 1971, the United States and Australia's visual observations, flow per hour (not the zenith flow) at 1-4.

Many researchers attribute the origin of this group in some complex small bodies in the solar system.First amon think this group of orbit determination, the other part of the group will intersect with the earth's orbit on July 28, the radiant point in the right ascension of 336 degrees, is expected to declination - 11 degrees, location in the south in 15 degrees of the area around the delta Aquarius meteor shower.However, after check two group of orbit, meng said "although the two group of path is different, but they may have the same origin" before.

Within 1973-1976, ze, carney na (Zdenek Sekanina), puts forward several possible matrix he thinks 1566 asteroids, Robert kraus have similar orbit characteristics, error within 0.245 0.286.

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