Taurus meteor shower

  TaurusMeteor shower

Name origin:

Enke comets and meteors Taurus is considered the other a split in the great comet of 20000 to 30000 years ago after the wreckage, spread out some of the material to become general of comets, some are because of the gravitational field close to the earth or other planets are attracted and become a shooting star (Whipple, 1940;Kla?Ka, 1999).[1] in a nutshell, the turbulence is one of the largest an inner solar system, so the earth have to spend a few weeks time to cross the turbulent, lead to the activities of the meteor shower will last a long time, far is much longer than the average small meteor shower.Taurus meteor shower particles are made up of heavy material, give priority to with a small pebble, rather than general dust particles.

Taurus is a meteor shower that is associated with enke comet meteor shower, from Taurus the name in the sky, because the radiant point because of the time at the beginning of the end of October to November, comes at a timeHalloweenThe period of time, also known as the Halloween fireworks.

The basic data:

International scientific name: Taurus eta meteor shower

Activity: every year in October after 10 solstice December 5;

Jisheng date: November 1 orgasm;

The largest number of meteors per hour (ZHR) : 16

Radiant point location: right ascension: 03 h28 m, declination: + 14 degrees

Ascension: 03 36 m h, declination: + 21 degrees

Bright stars near the radiant point: Taurus eta star

The rain characteristics description: two radiant point, meteor path length

Comet matrix: enke comet

  Taurus meteor shower activity cycle

Taurus meteor shower cycle of activity around between 2500 and 3000, close to the earth in the core part can result in more spectacular meteor shower.In fact, because is divided into two (day and night;Every one is divided into south and north branch), peak in the 3000 cycle apart for centuries.Some astronomers noticed something made of stone, like Stonehenge structure, and the cycle of maximum.

The next maximum about will appear in 3000, so maybe the meteor shower also has relations with the star of Bethlehem, because it appears in the first year of the maximum.Taurus meteor shower because enke tail of comet and earth suffered damage.

Turbulence in the earth through Taurus meteor shower, may be because by more populated area, causing more material impact to the earth, and to form a number of different maximum.

Others think at the beginning of the great comet appeared in the fertile crescent culture of the Bronze Age, so be responsible to the collapse of ancient Bronze Age: there may be a giant meteor impact in Iraq.The origin of the swastika flag (swastika) may also be related to enke comets.

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