Capricorn meteor shower

  CapricornMeteor shower

Capricorn alpha meteor shower is a confused meteor shower.Despite its brightness makes it is well known in the field of visual meteor, but more and more complex in the camera and radio.Today, astronomers think the meteor shower ZHR for 3-4.

  Capricorn meteor shower viewing time

Capricorn meteor shower, active in July 3 solstice on August 15th, July 30, the meteor shower will be great.Compared with the south Aquarius meteor shower, Capricorn meteor shower acme will last several days, the coordinates of the radiant point when jisheng right ascension of 307 ° (20 28 points), the declination - 10 °.

The two constellations meteor shower the best observation time for shower jisheng zero at the 21st day to the next day, other time is not fit to the naked eye.

This small group is observed for the first time card liya HuoFuMei stern (Cuno Hoffmeister), in 1937 in sonne fort he had observed in this group, but wait until he was in southwest Africa to accurately confirm the group, radiant point in the right ascension of 296 degrees, 15 degrees declination -, appeared in the July 9.On July 12, radiant point in the right ascension of 298 degrees, declination - 14 degrees, 14, is located in the right ascension of 296 degrees, declination - 13 degrees.

Wa 1980 meteors association observed radiant point in the right ascension of 298 degrees, declination - 13 degrees, appeared in the July 6, 2.23 + / 0.18.

  Capricorn meteor shower history

The meteor shower is Hungary n. DE kunming cory first observed, in 1871 he observed 6 meteor.In 1878 he and e. wiese observed 5 star again.Britain's William f. tannins at the same time and observed four the number of meteors.

20th century comes, the bright meteor has become a Capricorn alpha meteor shower's signature.Tannin wrote in a 1920 paper he in July 15, 1920 - August 28 is recorded in the path of the meteor, 25 and on July 27 to August 5 will see at least 34 a fire a shooting star.

In the early 20th century another observer is New Zealand's Roland a. macintyre.He published in 1935, the meteor index, observers point to the New Zealand in 1927-1934 observation of 15 Capricorn of alpha meteor, and gives its coordinates and radiant point move.

It is interesting to note that the germans did not notice the existence of the meteor shower.Cano, HuoFuMei stern in his 1948 book recorded the number of 5406 radiant point of unexpectedly has no Capricorn alpha meteor shower.But then he added on the meteor shower and study, but he gave the coordinates and macintyre's inconsistent.This may be qualitatively reflect the meteor shower complexity.

When germans without obtain evidence about Capricorn alpha meteor shower, members of the meteor guild of America has many successful observations were made.They were conducted in 1929-1953, 21, observation of success, and to determine coordinates located on the right ascension of 303.1 degrees, 12.5 degrees declination -.

In 1956, Francis w. white, delucchi g. fierce DE jie and Buddha l. HP ear intends to use the method of camera to study Capricorn alpha meteor shower.They first got the data about the state of the meteor shower of visual, such as activity period from July 16 - August 22, on August 2nd, great center 308.5 degrees in ascension, declination - 9.7 degrees.It also confirms the Capricorn alpha meteor shower jets is diffuse.They combine photos found that radiant point dispersion degree on July 27, 83 ', on August 1, increased to 93 ', for the dispersion of the sudden increase, they could not explain.Later won 29 photographic materials from the United States and the Soviet union.Jie ear can cut and HP to continue to their study.Later, they found that Capricorn alpha with meteor shower is a total of three substances.The first is the main material, the holidays point's date is August 1;The second is medium material band, holiday time is August 15;Article 3 the holiday time is July 25.It is interesting to note that its orbit half length to diameter of 2.069 AU, 20-25% smaller than the second belt of material.Therefore its orbit by the second material with orbit.60 s radio observation also confirmed that they found three belt of material.

Many astronomers have tried to search for alpha meteor shower Capricorn matrix.The first to come to the conclusion of Russia's astronomers E.N. LanMei, comet in 1953, he points out that the candidate is 1457 II.In 1954, H.J. gerhard, D.A. Bennett and H.S. rice said meteor group with 1881 V (namely periodic comet "tannins," today's official number is 72 cycles comet comet tannin - cane sichuan).In 1956, the white, jay and HP cutting ear is pointed out that the matrix of meteor group should be 1948 assist (45 cycle comets Honda - meeks - send to Isaac watts), but in 1976 it think Lord adonis, the asteroid is a candidate.Until today, its matrix problem still not solved.No a meteor, I'm afraid of matrix problem can be more complicated than it.

Because most of the observations are from the northern hemisphere observers, so most observations have a downside: observed altitude is too low, so their observations on the low side.Such as the United States of New York, Texas and Florida observer in 1970 of the observed ZHR is only 2 to 3.ZHR to the observation of the royal astronomical society of 8.But mike, Australia, on his observation of 1969-1980 of the 20974 meteor, Capricorn alpha meteor shower ZHR to an average of 14.

Association of western Australia a meteor in 1979 specifically observed the Capricorn alpha meteor shower, hope it come to the great date.Great date is obvious: on July 22, 28, and on August 5, July 20 to 27 HR to an average of 1.74 + / - 0.25, 18 to 20, 1.08 + / - 0.18.27-28, 3.42 + / - 0.51, in early August, in spite of the moonlight, they observed ZHR 6.20 + / - 1.79.Association of Jeff wood says ZHR there should be a 5-10.

  Orbital data

Nelson (C.S.N ilsson) from 1960 to 1961, conducted a radar observations.July 14-25, 1961, he observed 5 average 306.9 degrees from ascension, declination of meteor - 15.4 degrees.Great center was identified as on July 20, but as June 20 - stalling on July 13, radar, so the data may not be accurate.Orbital data is as follows:

289.8 117.1 3.9 0.37 0.87 2.86

Jersey, carney na (Zdenek Sekanina) in 1961-1965 radio meteor plan observed on June 18th - this group activity, July 30, on July 9.6, for some time, when the radiant point in the right ascension of 297.6 degrees, 18.7 degrees declination -.Track:

290.3 106.9 2.1 0.431 0.758 1.782

Mr Carney, at the same time pointed out that this group may be linked to an asteroid Adonis (2101), Lord Adonis, the difference between the two is very small.

  Adonis 41.06 351.21 1.37 0.442 0.764 1.873

America's Gary crowe (Gary Kronk) in 1952-1954 harvard meteor plan found in three possible within the group of the meteor, and calculate the orbit as follows:

290.9 116.8 4.5 0.379 0.853 2.584

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