Pisces meteor shower

  PiscesMeteor showerScope of activities

North of Pisces meteor shower on September 1-30;Great time: on September 19 (sun ping longitude 177 °);ZHR = 3;Radiant point: right ascension = 005 °, declination = - 01 °;Radiant point drift: see table 6.Speed = 26 km/SEC;

South group of Pisces meteor shower on August 15 to October 14, copiously on September 24, when jisheng radiant point right ascension 8 degrees, declination 0 degrees, brightness index is 3.0.The meteor shower ZHR only 3, that is, under the condition of the best observation for an hour to see 3 meteor.For people in the city, a lifetime to see a is hard to say.

  Pisces in the history of the meteor shower

In the 19th century with only two of the group of observed data, the observer is William tannin (William F.D enning), he observed it in 1879 and 1885 respectively, the radiant point in ascension 1 degree, declination - 5 degrees and right ascension of 4 degrees, declination - 2 degrees.

Card liya HuoFuMei stern (Cuno Hoffmeister) first official observed it.On the analysis of the observer, Germany in 1908 and 1938 years of observation data, he points out that the group on August 16th to October 8, in September 12, the time is great, and 29 radiant point is located in the right ascension 0 degrees, + 4 degrees declination.HuoFuMei describe this group is very weak, and this group is divided into two radiant point.HuoFuMei, no group of south and north to him give a precise description, he is only a form is given.In the 29 times greatly is north group or is the product of joint can not be confirmed.

Photography was introduced in 1890 and beyond to the meteor in the study, but the most famous should belong to harvard meteor plan 1952-1954, including more than 2500 meteors track, meteor research provides a huge database for the future.In 1971, Betty - Anders Mr Lin (Bertil - Anders Lindblad) conducted a study, hoping to find out the active meteor orbit.

Mr Lin found two group, he calls "Pisces meteor shower", and Numbers for "31" and "92".92 activity time is very long, from August 31 to November 2, the radiant point is located in the right ascension of 10 degrees, declination + 6 degrees, but the group of orbit and HuoFuMei of Pisces, but the difference of ascending node is 21 degrees, is apart from the difference of 0.12 AU more recently.31 - although it is a better candidates than HuoFuMei of Pisces to after some holiday point on October 13, radiant point in the right ascension of 26 degrees, declination + 14 degrees.

In 1973, Mr Lin and cook (Allan f. baton) and others to study for literature in 1971, is an important discovery in 92 most meteors are actually the Andromeda in November meteor shower, so in fact that Pisces, 92 the south branch of the meteor shower.But even so, there is still a doubt the truth of no. 92.

With 33 members, 92 in 1971, in 1973, but excludes the Andromeda only 14 after shower.But the crow (g. ronk) that the remaining 14 meteors perihelion and longitude of perihelion difference is very big, with different meteor orbit characteristics, he thinks the so-called no. 92 in fact is the southTaurusA mix of meteor shower, the Perseid meteor shower, etc.Using the theory of the crow, south Pisces will consist of two different groups (one is October Cetus meteor shower), and are not HuoFuMei mentioned, harvard meteor plan, of course, also does not have captured.

In Mr Carney na (Z.S ekanina) two radio meteor plan, Pisces meteor shower occupies an important position.First observed in 1961-1965, the activity time is on August 14 - on October 4, holiday time for the September 10.7 167.6 degrees longitude (sun), the radiant point in the right ascension of 359.8 degrees, declination + 3.4 degrees, this and HuoFuMei close;Activity time for 1968-1969 - on October 7, 12 August holiday time for the September 16.1 172.8 degrees longitude (sun), the radiant point is located in the right ascension of 8.5 degrees, 6.9 degrees declination +.

Mr Carney, radar data seems to be the annual meteor shower in early September in Pisces area is great, and there is no possibility of the second group of.But the first and second observation is a little different, this should be due to dispersion of meteor material.

Western Australia meteor organization in chairman Jeff (Jeff Wood Wood) under the leadership of a very good observation.In spite of the full moon, in 1979 they were still observed ZHR up to 1.32 + / - 0.22, appear in the September 23, radiant point is located in the right ascension of 10 degrees, declination + 11 degrees.September 10, 1980-12, greatly appeared in 11, up to 1.24 + / - 0.26, radiant point is located in the right ascension of 4 degrees, declination + 9 degrees.1980 data separately for north and south, the south group, observed on the 27th of September 11 - ZHR up to 2.08 + / - 0.20, while the north group of observed, on October 5-16 ZHR up to 2.94 + / - 0.25, 25 degrees or so the distance between the two radiant point.

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