Gemini meteor shower

  GeminiMeteor shower

  Gemini YiPuXi lung meteor shower

Activity: every year in October 14 solstice after October 27;

Jisheng date: October 20 climax;

Maximum number of popular per hour (ZHR) : 3

Radiant point location: right ascension: 6 h10 m (100 degrees), + 27 degrees declination

The geminids bright stars near the radiant point: Gemini YiPuXi lung meteor

The rain characteristics description: slow speed

  Gemini alpha meteor shower

Activity: a year after the 17th December solstice 7

Jisheng date: on December 13, 14, climax;(the traditional great 0:40) for 15

The largest number of meteors per hour (ZHR) : 120

Radiant point location: right ascension: 28 m (125 degrees), 7 h + 31 degrees declination

Bright stars near the radiant point: Gemini alpha centauri

The rain characteristics description: meteor medium speed, meteor path shorter, more bright meteor, the meteor is white. At the same time there is no lack of red, yellow, blue, green and other colors, is the most gorgeous of the year, the most stable meteor shower.

Mother: comet Phaethon comets.Period is 1.4 years, the orbit is very flat, recently 0.15 astronomical units from the sun.

  The geminids observation time

For those willing to brave the cold to watch the meteor group of people, the geminids group is a fairly distinctive landscape in in the winter, even on the evening of December 13 more than August Perseid meteor shower.Astronomer David and Stephen said, "if you've never seen the geminids meteors group in the vast arc across road clearly in the night sky, so you can't say you have seen meteor."

Watch the geminids depends on the best time of observation.From darkness came just this period of time until the moon rises, the Gemini alpha star in the east or the northeast horizon, this is a good observation time.

During this time, Earth - grazing meteor may also appeared above the horizon (and sometimes even below the horizon), long long tails to slide horizontally through the atmosphere.So the best viewing time is's midnight, the moon rises on the night this time.The cold winter night, need to wait for the meteor group, need to pay attention to cold warm.

The geminids meteor shower is a very honest, regularly every year.Gemini rises from the evening until morning before also high up the sky, you can see all night.

Astronomical experts said, the geminids differs fromLeoA significant feature of meteor shower is a meteor star brightness, medium speed, rich colors;Has a strong appeal for visual observer, and the number bigger than the leonids meteor.Under the condition of ideal sky, the theory of zenith meteors per hour number around 120.

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