The patron saint of Capricorn

  CapricornRight of patron saint, god Vulcan (Vulcan)

Vulcan is the child of god Jupiter, although ugly, but his soul and intelligence is very outstanding, and naturally have the ability to control the fire, so he can easily smelting the various power endless weapons.Almost all the gods in the hands of artifact is created by him, such as the sun chariot driving Phoebus, eros arrows, lead, gold and Jupiter aegis and so on, and he also on Mount Olympus building the palace of the gods.Can be said to be the vulcan distribution functions and powers of the gods, the gods rule structure is established.He smelt the artifact represents the power and responsibility of the gods, so in the west, saw vulcan as a symbol of the power of the power of god.

  The story of vulcan

  Taken the vulcan sulfur with Khartoum to end

Greece's invincible warrior of aqaba is achelous te, sulfur, te, legend in it after the birth of his son in the river Styx, sulfur aqaba, gain immortality.Aqaba sulfur, when I first got into the army didn't get much, because the soldiers thought he just by his own father sulfur parker's climb.In the fight against Troy, it is because of the morale is not regulated, so the greeks of whitewash.Aqaba sulfur te, the mother know, to win the first popular, stability of his son's power, so she called for help to the right of god vulcan.Vulcan itself on Greek side, so he agreed without hesitation.His own hands to build up a more shiny than the gold armor, than a rock solid shield, is more tenacious than silk leg armor, and a golden helmet.Aqaba sulfur, put on this outfit, to look strong, to be the king of the body emitting a strong momentum.The soldiers around to see him, thought it was descent, bow down to voldemort.Therefore, sulfur aqaba, regarded as ares and spiritual leader of the greeks, symbol of the invincible and victory.

  Taken the vulcan painted with the chain of Prometheus

Prometheus stealing skyfire for human behavior angered the god Jupiter, to punish Prometheus, Jupiter to a number of ways, without exception, but all failed.Because the Prometheus has very clever mind, he had a way of escape sanctions under any circumstances.Finally, angry Jupiter find vulcan, pleaded with him to build a most strong chains tied Prometheus.In order to show the authority of the heaven, vulcan spent three days and three nights built a firm chain, and later, Prometheus has been a chain tied in the Caucasus mountains, human and therefore never doubt the authority of the gods.

  Vulcan treasures

  Taken the Olympus painted furnace

Predecessor is ur Ken mountain, is the world's biggest a volcano, later became a vulcan furnace used for smelting metal, named because placed on Olympus.Golden chariot of the sun god, the love of god of gold bow, Athena kwai, shield and other artifacts are from this.So future generations will Olympus furnace as a source of power.

  Vulcan in the west

After filleting vulcan symbol of success, also represents a solid stable power.He gave the gods make artifact, ACTS as the power distribution of a behind the scenes, the equivalent of factors of production in the enterprise management and economic activities in the holder, one is assigned permissions and responsibilities, the other is to provide production factors.So, the western large-scale enterprise or a ruler in the politics tend to consecrate a vulcan statue to pray for their own power stable and durable.

  Capricorn (also known as Capricorn) Capricorn, 12.22 to 1.19

Capricorn is located in the southern, is a mainly composed of star constellations.It has a clear outline, big and bold, but because it's not a star, so look serious square.

Capricorn personality: serious, real, rational, loneliness, strong, persistent, power and control over strong, force.

Capricorn dominated parts of the body: joint, gallbladder, and peripheral nerves.

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