The patron saint of Sagittarius

  SagittariusPatron saint - god Jupiter (Jupiter)

Is the king of the gods, the ruler of Mount Olympus, also known as the father of the gods and mortals, Greece called Zeus (Zeus).His lightning as weapons, maintain the order of heaven and earth, the bull and the eagle is his mark.Jupiter and brother Poseidon, Hudson three cent world, Poseidon main waters, hades, between main SiMing Jupiter, the main department of heaven.As the god of heaven, he was put in charge of all sorts of astronomical phenomena, such as the wind and rain thunder and lightning was he to human says he will.He also control all the affairs of the earth, and the god of destiny, the goddess Hera is his formal wife.

  The story of Jupiter

  Girl u Jupiter and painted IO

Jupiter's stories are mostly about his love affair, which is the famous story of a girl is his and IO.

Legend has it that he si qi are the original residents in ancient Greece.Their king that coase is Iraq.He has a daughter as beautiful as flowers and pure as jade, named IO.Once, IO sheep on the grassland when seen by Jupiter, who fell in love with her at first sight, then transformed into a handsome man came near, and show your love to her.But simple IO doesn't seem that appreciative or lose patience he had to show a prototype, carrot and stick.IO was terrified, and turned to run to the trees.Jupiter in the woods looking for a long time, but it was so dark, Jupiter, how also can't find her, anxious Jupiter have thunder light the sky above the trees, but more fear of lightning can actually make IO.Jupiter's wife, Hera saw the trees appear above the dense of lightning, feel very strange, but she'll guess is her husband doing mischief.So she went down to the earth, and find the IO before her husband, when she saw the IO the rustling trembling when will understand everything.Green-eyed monster heartburn she cast turned IO into a white heifer, then turned away.But Jupiter couldn't find the IO everywhere, also had to bitterly to the heaven.Poor IO can only live with a group of cattle.Jupiter back to IO has been not forget for a moment, can't bear the suffering of the lovesickness he returned to the pasture to find IO shadow, but to cattle IO stayed at the edge of the Nile, but quietly looked at the reflection in the water, miss appearance.One day, without Jupiter, inadvertently came to the river, saw the first beautiful heifer.Jupiter, immediately recognized her, her beautiful eyes was himself so desperately.He walked up and touched the cow on the forehead, said excitedly: dear IO, is I hurt you, but I will try to remedy, won't let you hurt a little."Say that finish, he changed the IO back, tears of joy, two people embrace together.Later, IO for Jupiter gave birth to a son, named urban paphos, meaning "son of god", he assisted his mother became ruler of Egypt, and urban paphos daughter Sally biya has established their own kingdom, which is now in Libya.

  Jupiter's treasures

  Taken the thunder u

Legend has it that the thunder of the Jupiter was the Cyclops plug grams ropers (Cyclops), its deterrent even the gods to tremble.Jupiter, the thunder to break any evil in the world, punish those who against the evildoers, the thunderclap strength at the enemy to tremble, kneel.

  U aegis u

As is known to all, the king of the gods Jupiter (Zeus) has two supreme weapon, one is invulnerable, another is entrenched aegis.The latter is the artisan god vulcan tailor-made for him, because on the gorgon medusa head, so it is also called the gorgon medusa shield or love kwai, shield.Jupiter will later this shield free gift of god, tile, so the later held by the statue of Jupiter in circulating shield is carved on the image of the bulls.

  Jupiter in the west

Jupiter is the king of the gods in the eyes of westerners, is also a symbol of luck, and the god of glory and happiness.People worship to Jupiter to pray lucky blessing and carefree life, obsessed with ZhongXingPengYue fairy day like Jupiter.Legend of Jupiter as the god of heaven, had love affairs and many members of the opposite sex, so people also put the Jupiter as a symbol of desires of the heart.

  Sagittarius (also known as Sagittarius) Sagittarius, 11.23 to 12.21

Striker seat in the Milky Way most wide and light, the whole constellation image as bow arrow ma chiron.

Sagittarius traits: enthusiasm, ideal ambitious, optimistic, free, frank, independent, selfish, fanatical faith, regardless of the feelings of others.

Sagittarius dominated parts of the body: hip, pelvis, sciatic nerve and spinal column.

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