The patron saint of virgo

  virgoPatron saint - holy god, raya (Astraea)

The astor raya is god Jupiter and Titan goddess and Milton's daughter.She is the embodiment of purity, is the most among the gods, regard the god of human beings.Chores around the toil, she has been to earth to take care of the life of human being, and timely handle the unfair things.

  The story of the astor raya

  To end the astor raya and sea webber painted in winter

In Greek mythology, early humans known as the "golden age".Then the weather becomes warmer, neither need homes, also don't have to dress, even if not farming, also reap.The earth is a peaceful paradise, people don't know what the argument, the gods and human live together harmoniously on earth.Later, however, have a year the four seasons, people have to build a house, knitting clothes, fields, and at the same time also appeared around the phenomenon of the strong bullying the weak.The gods dislike human against each other, then left the earth moved to heaven.Only the astor raya believe humans, remained on the earth, eager to teach the way of justice, this is "the silver age".By "Bronze Age", humans began to lie, the use of violence, relatives and friends, between father and son, brother alsobleeding, astor raya alone a person cannot control the spread of evil.She had to use white yarn under all wrapped in pure body, leave the room returned to Mount Olympus, she left the symbol and justice in the world no absolute purity.In the halfway, astor lai an webber in winter, the sea Poseidon laugh at her should not sympathize with the brutality of human beings, the astor raya argued, two noisy up.They had come to king Jupiter, demand a fair verdict.In the face of his brother Poseidon and daughter astor raya, Jupiter, also don't know who to help, so he said to them, let the gods do evaluation, each change something, something like the gods who will win.Say and Poseidon with trident a refers to the wall, the wall cracks opened a crack, all sorts of modelling of water flow out from the inside changes ceaselessly, beautiful.Then the astor raya with their bodies into a giant olive trees, in the green leaf with golden olive burging present all god feel peaceful, tolerance and kindness.So the gods won unanimously found the astor lai ya.

To end the astor raya dedication to end

When human degenerate to the point where the gods could not put up with it, anger the gods decided to abandon the human depravity of race, and Pandora cartridges in the world, followed by endless disaster.The earthquake, floods, hail, the plague took the lives of countless people.Astor, ya see this scene, anxious, because she believe that humans have not devoid of conscience, a lot of people are innocent.So she begged god to forgive mankind, and is willing to rap.Because the human wants to be locked in the Pandora's box, so the astor raya willing in a chain, and for the human being punished, long knelt on the cliff of Olympus to pray for human hope.Legend of virgo, then she become stars always care for the human, bless our harmony and peace.

  The astor raya treasures

  Taken the holy painted chains

The astor raya generation human accept the judgment of the gods at the chain, and on behalf of a heavy responsibility and selfless dedication spirit.Now the meaning has been extended to the service spirit, many service enterprises can see it in the west, said companies provide considerate services to the customers the humility.

  Taken the painted golden olive

Green leaves, golden olive - this is the holy goddess astor raya of human compassion and mercy.So, who has golden olive will have the most noble virtue.

  The astor lai in the west

Later generations to commemorate the astor raya for saving his life, cast sculpture to up its image.And kneels in the astor ya eyes closed, pious and holy demeanor, represents a sacred pure, selfless dedication, and broad heart of love.

Western poets have a common ideal, it is holy goddess will one day return to the earth, and bring a golden age again.Even as the Pope "savior" - has been found in a Christian hymns, thought like this:

Sin when stop, fraud will be when the failure,

Evenhanded balance will cross in my heart,

Peace of the olive branch will be widely applied,

White pure goddess come from scattering pearls.

  Virgo (also known as Virgo Virgo, 8.23 to 9.22

Virgo is the second largest constellations throughout the day, the volume is quite large, as if a beautiful woman.He has a very bright the star, alpha star, but other stars are dim.This star sign is very suitable for virgo personality: narcissism, brightly quietly in the face of all.

Also explain, in fact, "virgo" in formal astronomical articles have been translated into "virgo", however, due to the "saint seiya" in Japan, virgo's Chinese translation is "virgo", the introduction of the book, the Japanese moved directly to come over, so weak, virgo also becomes a virgo.

Virgo personality characteristics: pessimistic, careful, meticulous, fussy, serious, responsible, love nagging, perfectionism, wonks.

Virgo is dominated parts of the body: bowel, intestinal gas, stomach, uterus.

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