A letter to the Aquarius

  toAquarius:A letter from the

Naturally optimistic Aquarius most understand is a life without regret this two word so they won't be dissatisfied with the past unhappy too much happy because the past is the past care also of no help is also a day not happy is also a day, they will bring good mood running toward the front as it is love.What don't care as long as there is feeling will be free and easy to for infatuated love.

Bottles of passion can put you melt water bottles cold can make you doubting his water bottle bullying is often called helpless bottle intelligent make you sigh bottle of bold let you slash three bottles of stubborn let you fire emit three zhangs bottles of humor makes you feel life is not so much unhappiness bottle is filled with strong will let you have the idea of, want to cherish.

The threshold of the Aquarius love: devoted kind and pure.Water bottles are 98% deserters in the heart of love is to love can slow release your horse and come seem to be cold or hot water bottle fear of love.Bottle type belongs to return love sign as long as you are good to him he can give up for your angelic life Aquarius never mind to live a plain life water bottles will make everyone's life is full of fun.

Aquarius is basically a very painful.The appearance of the surface is always very active happy but nobody when they are always very sad.An Aquarius is always a strange sad they won't let others found.Aquarius people are afraid of being hurt abandoned also fear to others hurt and not happiness can only be proofed himself with everything.So the bottle very nervous spirit fragile easy sentimentality.

Bottle of emotional reaction is slow prone to lost his feeling that don't know what do you want to be lost.In each other's not said very clearly emotional retreat when they think the love is consensual don't want to force the other party.For fear of losing will not easily pay feelings before not completely sure.May be insecure perhaps for their own protection can also be classified as a kind of selfish.

Aquarius adhere to the pursuit of freedom but this does not represent TA behavior's pursuit of freedom is bold and open bottle spiritual thoughts.TA may study psychology today after two days to learn jazz dance next week to go to the hospital as a volunteer.Aquarius can belong to any ethnic group in society, but is not really belong to a group.Water bottle seems to be no one can completely occupy his own bottles.

Bottle sometimes hypocritical don't hypocrisy was chosen as someone just accused TA bottle it do don't want to do but could not refuse the bottle was not used to promise don't understand refused is best for yourself.The bottle don't want to others sad had to make the oneself sad.Bottle always stubbornly think he has the extraordinary result will want to own too strong and the others think too fragile.

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