Taurus female eros

Love prototype:

Taurus love of you, the original ideal of love, is you always favored by people, after getting along with your long-term friendship, finally one day say to you.You will be surprise to he actually really like you, and you feel about him, test and evaluation are also correct.This also proves that you choose has been quietly stay at his side, is worth it.

Taurus female eros _ the zodiac

The pursuit of law:

If you met the person you like, you will stay beside him and accompany him silently, during this period did not care about the future can really together.But you always have a way of seeking "formal" and "legal" pipe, can close to him, and he together.
Your way is very gentle, won't go to importune and crave, only will be immersed in the relationship of interaction, and then gradually attracted him.

Glamour rating:

Taurus is Shen Qian lust, love of god that enhances your frowsty coquettish, you are not a heartbreaker type, but if someone is attracted to you, it was fascinated to the point of hopeless.

Intimacy: (The zodiac /astro/)

For sex, Taurus love of you, don't automatically have what demand, also think there are a lot of important things in life is more important.However, once you have been opened the sexual potential, will be able to enjoy it, also can have very warm response and demand.

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