Capricorn male eros

Love prototype:

Cupid sign of Capricorn, you are very reluctant to hone and test in love.You believe that love is the need for to have, must through the pay and sacrifice, can even through other efforts, and won the good luck of love!So you will be with hard work, pragmatic attitude, the spirit of serving and filling with partner.

The pursuit of law:

The real you, in fact is very selfish, everything for his good, everything to each other is a kind of investment.And you won't waste more thoughts on and dream.Actually, Capricorn man love you, the in the mind also must understand, if you have no object, in fact just refuse to pay!

Glamour rating:

Capricorn male eros

Capricorn's love of you, composed inside collect, always give a person the sense of cover up, especially to the opposite sex is full of mature and attractive, see the pillar in life!You this kind of temperament, like a show, I can give you everything, let a person feel very reassuring, especially attractive to electra complex of girl!


Your behavior is homemade, sex for love and ghost jie is a proof of love and relationship between the two sides and a kind of significance, so will not easily touch.Once two people have sex, that can be said to be the relation!

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