Libra female eros

Love prototype:

Libra's love of you, born to love see very important, you will want to have a perfect love and perfect lover.Although not deliberately to pursue, but once encountered is not willing to miss the chance.You are confident in love, especially luck in love, believe in yourself, you will not be very positive for emotion, but once encountered object or chance, you won't let him for no reason to miss.

Libra woman eros _ the zodiac

The pursuit of law:

You won't too demanding for love, the feeling of both sides to call is very important, you'll be looking forward to you are at the same time have the same feeling, and then have the same response to each other.Is under this kind of tacit understanding and lucky, two people will naturally hit it off!

Glamour rating:

Libra's love of you is the most acceptable eros blessing charm, can send out a beautiful temperament, is attractive to the opposite sex!Sweet smile, always elegant and affinity, getting to know you, as long as men can easily for you fascinated!You for the confidence of love, can add many more.

Intimacy: (The zodiac /astro/)

Your attitude towards sex, it is regarded as attached to love, you know how to serve for the love of truth.Since the sex is service for love, breathe love life indispensable factors, is indispensable, of course!

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