Libra male eros

Love prototype:

The constellation libra's love of you, can saying is the head at an early age, in my mind long ago began to weave the dream of love.You've been looking forward to, can get along with opposite sex communication, there is even a partner romantic times together.The idea will maintain into adulthood, yearning for love are always with your heart.You can at any time to act, to try the taste of love.

The pursuit of law:

Libra's love of god, you are very understand love, very understand how to treat the opposite sex, it is also very know how to build the romance of love.However, the most easy way in the pursuit of the shrinking is you, because you care about each other very much for your ideas, as long as each other a hesitation, you hesitate, also both of such finicky, is unable to pursue success!

Libra male eros _ the zodiac

Glamour rating:

eroslibraTemperament is special, can really be personable childe.You send out the romantic charm, will help you to become a charmer.

Intimacy: (The zodiac /astro/)

Libra pay attention to the harmonious balance, performance is not best don't fire on sex, request to pleasure and satisfaction of both parties.For you to improve relations between the two people, is the significance of sex and fun together and secret each other.

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