Aries girl eros

Love prototype:

To love godAriesWomen love the prototype is type love "love at first sight".Both sides at the same time have a warm love, each other are the object of his own to find already a long time.This kind of "must be you" feeling, can make you resonate in my heart, into this love without hesitation.Such as the combination of a natural inner resonance from both sides, not after brewing for a long time to consider, that kind of feeling of pure enough.Must be under the situation of coincidence, the natural occurrence of relationship, you will feel wonderful.

Aries girl eros _ the zodiac

The pursuit of law:

Dominant understand you are very love, is points is close, when the how, all in your hands.Not only know how to attract men, and know how to make opportunities for himself, and then let the other side take the initiative to close to you, it turns you trapped.

Glamour rating:

Love of ram you can radiate enthusiasm and wild message, has the magic to attract the opposite sex, especially when you take the initiative to show charm.Once the opposite sex are attracted to you, you will have the ownership of love, to accept or reject, it's just your choice.

Intimacy: (The zodiac /astro/)

In terms of intimacy, you very sensitive for sex, and very enthusiastic, also need each other a warm response, can't stand being ignored.

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