Sagittarius male eros

Love prototype:

Cupid of the constellation Sagittarius, you dream to seek the source of happiness in love, want to pursue a free romantic and relaxed, don't want to involve the responsibility and temporal side.You want your romance drawbacks, freedoms in the kingdom of love, like chu romantic natural and unrestrained!

The pursuit of law:

In the real world, you and your love to dream of a big gap, but also because they want to too much, but dare not do anything guilty conscience.Your heart is so not qualitative, however, don't know you like which one, hard to concentrate, not a target, this will let love energy and it is difficult to make girlfriend!

Sagittarius male eros _ the zodiac

Glamour rating:

Love the sharpshooter man, outgoing and lively, freedoms in love happy appearance, fully display your innocence, love king in the country, it's like fang song ~ "childish", is very attractive, and can make each other very want to take care of you!

Intimacy: (The zodiac /astro/)

Regardless of the object, was quite depressed, because a man who loved sharpshooter, is never forced women sexually, actually your heart has a lot of fantasy scenes, anyway, it is hard to reach, have to enjoy, if you can find the other half of the same concept, that is sex!

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