Cancer male eros

Love prototype:

The energy of the constellation cancer of the love of you, love is very rich, and often play in terms of care, care for others, the role of a caregiver, can see the other half happy, oneself also get satisfaction and joy.You desire will be full of love, asked herself to the whole heart to treat partner, must not neglect.

The pursuit of law:

Cupid cancer often give each other too much pressure, let people out of breath, don't forget to way of brinkmanship will always be the most useful ~ don't retreat, don't too radical, and want to know the balance distance measured.You sacrifice for love character development transition, easy to appear extreme, will become like the victims of love, rather than the giver of love, be suffering, suffering, abuse of typical!

Cancer male eros _ the zodiac

Glamour rating:

Love of cancer is very gentle, very soft, even over the top, there will be not wriggle attitude.
But what do you usually very attractive temperament, let the opposite sex more love for you, feel your warmth, intend to close with you.

Intimacy: (The zodiac /astro/)

Love is very strong, the lust of the cancer but is usually focused on one person, you will carefully for your partner, and her lust explore areas of the world, with eyes wide shut, can both of them!

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