Scorpio female eros

Love prototype:

Scorpio's love of you, the heart is very eager to a relationship, you think, even if the lack of it, it is not enough to complete our life!!!!!!!You for the shadow of the first love will be particularly persistent, this also affects the condition you want to the opposite sex, let your in the mind also produce compared mentality!
To love you is very confident, but you won't go to rely on luck, waiting for fate to arrange your love, you think you love must be in their hands!

Scorpio girl eros _ the zodiac

The pursuit of law:

For Scorpio's love of you, the pursuit of the opposite sex is very simple, don't need any way.Is directly to the object and charm!In this way, can your charm really touched his heart, is the outcome immediately see!

Glamour rating:

Scorpio's love of you, is unparalleled charm, is not so much a sexy female charm, rather mysterious color, are more apt to your features.Once the appeal, was struck, very deadly, there seems to be a kind of magic, you attract men, almost all never forget for you!

Intimacy: (The zodiac /astro/)

You the most understand the deep meaning of sex, sex for you, not only the sensory pleasure, but a spiritual penetration.And you will be regarded as a very important part of the love, is two people a form of spiritual harmony.

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