Aquarius love creed

Aquarius:Love creed: together they will come, not loose

Easy-going, not to what is too bad, even love is only pay attention to the fate.Not because of tenderhearted and reluctantly and who together, more not because oneself to who tempted, it must be hand in hand.As for the vows of eternal love, or don't say of good, said the bottle will not believe, because it's too far away, so unrealistic.They always believe that feelings just don't come, even if together, also have no obligation to must go to the end, because together they will come, not loose, this is the eternal myth

It is good to love right, don't injustice on, as long as casual, each other without too much pressure, also don't believe that perfect love, in fact, as long as you know, no one is perfect, everyone has faults, a kind of pure lovely is enough, a real life.(The zodiac /astro/)

Aquarius love motto _ the zodiac

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