Scorpio love creed

ScorpioDoctrine of love: love a person, will love his all

Scorpio love a person very extreme way, some might say too much, much leave some space to each other, can be closer to each other's heart, but you can't agree with, in their view, this is a kind of can't help, don't care how others view.Because you love a person, will all fall in love with him, no matter how many people don't believe in, they won't be affected by a spark.Because not all the love, is not true love, you won't doubt yourself insist the love view.

Don't expect to find a suitable you of person, no one is born to you.Love is when you know that he is not what you worship, and understand that there are many faults, for he still chose him, not because of his shortcomings and abandoned all his, deny his all.(The zodiac /astro/)

Scorpio love motto _ the zodiac

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