Gemini love creed

GeminiLove creed: love not who to who wrong, only who don't know to cherish who

Gemini in the river of love, like a small boat, the wind fluttering, seemingly aimless forward or backward, and in fact they have always had the desire to want to settle down, just haven't found the can dock harbour.So long as found belongs to own warm, will make a commitment, and firmly believe that: in the love have no who to who wrong, only who don't know to cherish who.If the person to go, Gemini will not stop, even bother to ask the reason, only is no portion of flange.

If you know how to cherish, you will find that you get more and more, if you blindly pursue blindly forward, in order to their own pursuit, in spite of all, give yourself too much pressure, not to pay attention to cherish, you will find that you lose faster and faster.

Each person's life will meet many people, all kinds of personality, all kinds of different people, there are several is your friend?There are several is a deep love for their own people again?How many is your love?Rather than seeking hundreds in the back, cherish the present.(The zodiac /astro/)

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