Taurus love creed

TaurusDoctrine of love: love needs to day long living feeling slowly develop

Also not to say how ridiculous it was love at first sight, just Taurus in the feelings of the world really can't afford to lose.Would rather believe that time to precipitate out of love can experience rains and winds, more and more worth be blessed forever.So, even if there is a temporary move, they will also be the excitement of the rationality of the pressure down, look at least will not hide.Then use the time to prove my own judgment, whether really appropriate, if after the moments of amazing feelings will continue to heat up, rather than cooling into ice.

If you really love a person, will be willing to change for him.If a person in front of you just ignore the behavior you don't like, so he is don't love you.So if you are not very care about him or he is not care about you, so you don't love him or he does not love you, and don't think that is already very careless or believe that he is a careless person.Meet their true love, a coward also can become brave, and by the same token, the careless ghost will be careful.(The zodiac /astro/)

Taurus love motto _ the zodiac

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