Cancer love creed

cancerLove creed: sincerely pay will have return

Love for cancer, is by no means a fun game, teachers will not recall.Is not deep love, it would be a deep pain.No matter how many sensitized with love story, love each other less cancer didn't also way, even if is to make yourself easy.Never doubt the meaning of sincerity pays, even to a ruthless, be love with all my heart, a cold heart, will also be over heat, moreover is also love each other.So, cancer will keep back the tears, because believe in the good ending.

Love needs to run.Please believe that, no matter how things change.
Love is still the most ancient most beautiful story!
As long as we are a responsibility, love the heart of each other,
More forgiving each other, more to assume a bitterness,
Some blame less, less fled to escape.
Passion for life a little more,
A little bit more passion to the sentiment,
A little more tolerance to the marriage.
Run the world of feelings in marriage.
We can hand and the person I love, and son xielao!(The zodiac /astro/)

Cancer love motto _ the zodiac

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