Leo love creed

LeoLove creed: I love my family

Around the world, there is nothing to lion's idea, whether right or wrong, everything they say is, love is your own course.And friends together noisy it doesn't matter, and also enjoy it, but if anyone for their love, don't blame the lion turned against no one.Don't use your warm care, because both pain and happiness, is I, or don't know myself, right, as for the on and off whatever mood, is my choice.

Love a person, be eight!
Too much love a person, you will be because he/she is gentle and full of sweet, more because he/she's cold and unhappy.
Too much love a person, will be holding his nose, completely not himself.From now on, you don't have their own thoughts, not their joys and sorrows, you to him as the center, with he together, you are the world.The world is not with him when he.
Too much love a person, readiness to put up with him, he slowly get used to this kind of indulgence, ignore what you have done for him, even think you're a pest, so no character...
Too much love a person, you would be a candle, ferociously for burning, in order for a light and heat.For the candle burning, you have nothing.
Too much love a person, he will get used to your good to her, and forget themselves should also pay, forget the same to you need to get the same return - he was completely spoiled by you.Don't think you he will love you very much very love each other, love is unreasonable, so a lot of time, love is also unequal.
Don't love a person love without self-abandonment.As the love should only appear in the novel, the society is more and more do not welcome desperate love.To give him breathing space, but also keep a room for yourself - moth to love, in the works is to let a person feel glorious, but if he become a thing of the past, you how to pack the Wolf?Invested so much, you can face the losses?
So, love a person do not love to very, eight is enough.The remaining two points, used to love yourself.(The zodiac /astro/)

Leo love creed _ the zodiac

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