Sagittarius love creed

SagittariusLove creed: there is no trust each other love, can't get to the shore of happiness

Striker pursuit of freedom, but also grasp the natural and unrestrained attitude of life, but not say they love the game, the feeling is not exclusive.Just too many striker all kinds of interest, all can't concentrate on love, they need enough private space to experience the joy of jungle.Don't always so, and Sagittarius love each other, because they didn't find on your side, is nervous.Because, each other, if the trust of the bridge is not strong enough, just can't get to the shore of happiness.

Since you accept the love, promised to do each other's lover, then please cherish each other, believe each other.Don't hide, whether you are a white lie or other reasons, please remember not to let him feel you don't pay attention to, don't trust him, make him feel you are not very care about him, don't put your love seriously, at least not the way you do well.This will only deepen each other about your suspicions, temptation, own wrong way worse, slowly, night of love between you will go the bottomless abyss.

If love is a lack of trust, love is no longer love each other, is possession, love it, the more stronger.Always pay attention to his dynamic, don't give him some your own space, seemingly is love him, don't want to leave, is actually more possession, is don't trust, he was afraid of his love.Little imagine, a lack of trust cracking catalyst became the lead to love, the more you want to keep him, but the more difficult it is to get him.You just want to let him live in your world, don't give a little of his own world, how is it possible to perfect love.(The zodiac /astro/)

Sagittarius love motto _ the zodiac

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