How do I comforted lovelorn after Scorpio

How do I comforted lovelorn after Scorpio

Scorpio in love, seems to want to give good all over the world to the lover, once the lovelorn.Could lead to many because of brokenhearted imbalance in the heart, think of an extreme way to revenge yourself hurt the person, what should you do as a friend at this time of comfort and counseling is very important.

To outsiders, Scorpio is mysterious and callous, but people familiar with scorpios, must know, Scorpio is once innocence, just, the scorpion vengeful quoted once suffered damage in emotion, and will become cynical, even to play with the feelings of others.As your scorpion sidekick, to appease the scorpion injured heart at the same time, also must guide him into the right direction.Let him and roll into strength, and strive to improve themselves, to hurt him regret.(The zodiac /astro/)

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