Aquarius decompression techniques

  Aquarius:Decompression techniques

  Stress analysis:

You generally will not be seen, when anxiety so you cleverly concealed his feelings.You feel the same pressure with others, you are just hides than others.You very objectively the pursuit of goals in life, treat things successfully control the emotions.But sometimes you will mislead yourself say "nothing event" at the moment.The bottle need to understand the feelings of others, or waiting for the glass.

As fixed palace, do you like to use a laser average resilience and finish the work at hand so you can give yourself to find something to do, also can open a common party () bottles are very willfulness, I don't like formal occasions.Wind sign need to others, listen to different points of view.They spread view object for a friend.Finally, the bottles are only listen to yourself.No matter how others do, very independent you always to make their own decisions.You are the only weakness is because too hope in others, and to indulge in communication, forget to find a place for yourself.While in charge of the future, Aquarius fixed palace nature is just too difficult for you to make a change.

  Reduced pressure method:

  Drink with friends

Aquarius is the sign, so go with a few good friends drink beer will let your thoughts look brand-new, especially when you are busy as a bee.Aquarius is also open-minded, modest signs of the zodiac, so you fit in with the less formal, environmental friendly bar or small wine-press.(if you don't like itdrinking, and other lines, are friends cheer you up, not necessarily is wine.)

  To deal with family life

When you pressure big, one-on-one relationship, such as your spouse or partner, will fear you ignore them.Try to let them rest assured: you still love them, but need some time to a friend.Aquarius is a group of odd behavior stand out, nor explain the words and deeds, let partners is very confused.Your partner may think they are a big problem, but think that is likely to be far from right.The bottle is a group of glamour 4 shoot, it's easy to become a leader.But because the eye is too long, they often forget the recent people around you.(for example, there is a bottle is a union leader, he often on a business trip, want to make friends all over the world have a good treatment - and, of course, he did - but he doesn't have time to see his children.)With a good family life, you will be very comfortable.

  To see a psychological doctor or to read the chart

Your guardian planet Uranus is change and creativity of the planet.You can reference is critical to the success of the different point of view.So he went to see a psychological doctor or to read the chart.Astrology and metaphysics is a bottle of expertise, the most outstanding astrologers there is always a beautiful chart.Even if you don't agree with him, when he read you can touch every corner of your life, give you an overview, may open a new road for you, may push you to the direction of the new achievements of wealthy.Strong creativity of people always like to astrology or psychology as the way to get rid of the old me.

  Do good or to take part in a group

Doing good.Aquarius thought firmly, benevolence.Jump out of the ego can get objective.The bottle like politics, they would use rational debate.If possible, give you the most favorite politicians make a campaign.If something was bothering you in your life, try to join a machine to get rid of trouble.(like collective Aquarius, so will go a long way to do so.)

  With some high-tech electronic products

Finally, the high-tech you like, why not a little ecstasy?Go to your favorite electronics store, no matter what your budget drum drum.Go and see the latest audio, try a new camera, see high-definition television.Or look it up in the single computer products, order a like software or CDS.Surf the Internet to look for the latest virtual reality chat rooms.Hand over a net friend.Take an electronics show.To the planetarium walk, or make some talent in computer interest group.More power, more than a little interest.About the bottle?

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