Gemini decompression techniques

  GeminiDecompression techniques

  Stress analysis:

Remember you may be confused by many reply, finally you have to make their own decisions.Sometimes and drag, so, when when things go wrong, ask yourself what's grip.Finding out you can't play the usual factors of energy and enthusiasm.You belong to the changes of palace, let you flexible and good adaptation, this is the era of change of real capital.

  Reduced pressure method:

  Find friends to chat

Crisis after the occurrence of Gemini will immediately find a trusted friend in conversations.This reaction is very good, for the wind like Gemini, find someone to chat, listen to the opinions of the onlookers can provide a different perspective, one or two they never think of ideas or information.Smart and good at analysis of Gemini can understand their situation more than were silent.

  To improve the surrounding environment

If you can, improve the surrounding environment.Breakthrough, decided to jump ship, calculate the total bill, all these problems can be in Gemini leave home and find a solution without daily chores interference.The journey not far away, near the city, but need to get IQ super Gemini busy, happy to be effective.So, don't find the desolate beach or quiet countryside, but should find a recreational activities during the day, night can dinner party members.Travel can let a Gemini most thoroughly remould oneself, even double cease day mini-vacations can, as long as this place is fresh enough.(the oldtoothPlace certainly can't satisfy the Gemini.

  Close brothers and sisters

Gemini is also in charge of the brothers and sisters, but also with the twin brothers and sisters close enough.If someone is in your brothers and sisters you advice, to look for them will make you comfortable.Do you like to break the routine, get advice from familiar with your loved ones can calm your mind.

  To go for a walk outside, or outdoor sports

If you do not have to go out, or there is a good suggestion is for a walkDriving a carGo outside, because the Gemini is also in charge of the neighbors.As for the movement,Ride a bicycle, rollerblading, these outdoor sports will do.Don't mechanically do exercise in the gym, it won't be useful.Be sure to keep in mind to avoid rigid movement.

  Write a diary

Gemini is in charge of the written word, so, put your ideas spread on the diary is nice.(some people say that smart writers own misfortune into great masterpiece!)

  Reading a book

Many people have social can happy, Gemini has a new book, such as fish also have water, so why don't you go to the bookstore?Look at the comments first, find the book you are interested in, then go to bookstores to look why your difficulties.Gemini like self-help books, so to check the a row of bookshelves, or choose a current bestseller concentrate to read (Gemini) was in charge of the current topic.See if there are foreign books to magazine - if you know a foreign language, go to pick one.Even the Hong Kong magazine can also.The point is, break the routine, abandon fetters.Gemini is to the ideas of freedom, the people of judah as air also.

  Quit bad habits

Gemini was in charge of the lungs, so, don't smoke, lung is the soft rib of Gemini, so, the Gemini must learn to protect them.Another place of pressure sensitive hands of Gemini, since their main mercury is in charge of the hand.Gemini has a pair of dexterous hand, so, they are likely to use excessive.Can on a bit of paraffin or hand cream, also can do 20 minutes of slow massage, especially when you are a writer, editor, or doing a Gemini are good at computer at work.

  Play games or other interests

Finally, Gemini is famous for the hobby is widespread, so back to an old game will give you great happiness.Or consider new hobbies, think about the "ghost" demi Moore, her favorite is emerging at the time of ceramic art.Wow, she touched the wet clay hand how attractive and creative.Focus is to get you out of the hamster cage of samsara.Then, just like a magic spell, scenes and village, will jump out from your subconscious.In a word, you are born to do good!

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