Taurus decompression techniques

  TaurusDecompression techniques

  Stress analysis:

Taurus mad, the cow temper too big to let all people fear.For example, think of how much should I pay tax niuniu is the yourself to meditation.Be cautious to make a decision.As an earth sign, niuniu need to carefully consider all the way to weigh the pros and cons.As a fixed palace, change is slow and reluctant.

As a man of great goals, you can clear what you want to do, let you efficiency multiplier effect.Generally under pressure you can still maintain a elegant, yet too close to you from his hand, so pay attention to one part of it, and ignores the important link or misjudged the situation.Maybe later you'll find, your plan starting from the premise is wrong, finally.To remind myself to stop from time to time, challenge your previous assumptions.

  Reduced pressure method:

  Satisfy the senses, and relax

Want to see more comprehensive, relax the mood, you need to satisfy the senses.You belong to that a few nest on the sofa watching television can benefit from signs of the zodiac.Maybe you want to pour a glass of red wine, hand put a bag of chestnut, or a few piece of dark chocolate.Fireplace in the winter, you can point, cover with a blanket.Summer, the weather conditions permitting, you can open the window ventilation.Taurus likes music, but, good sound more attractive to Taurus.If you have a good sound, you can sit back and let the music pressure a your stubbornness.

  Shopping or eating food

Niuniu special loveTo buy things, so you can buy a seasonal clothes, such as the new trench coat, or a new fashion shirt.If you really nervous on hand, could go to art gallery or museum to enjoy the beauty of don't money., grasp the rhythm on their own.Then go to a restaurant of Europe land wind, read the newspaper, a quiet meal.

  To be close to nature

Niuniu, you can also have a choice.You did a good green inductive by Venus rules, so you can close to nature, make a gardening or garden repaired or something.Under the fresh air, kinds of some morning glory, lily will give you roses or quiet time to think, make you feel better.The moist soil can also and your hand.If you live in the city, you can on the balcony of a pot of hyacinths, or put a tree in the sitting room, put a potted flower on the desk, or indulge in the park.Can also go to celebrities so the refurbished garden.Take a Saturday for a walk, sit down and rest, is look at the world around you, never leave your cell phone.

  Aromatherapy massage

If they are not, you can try the best way to take.Taurus is pay attention to the senses, touch is very sharp.If you cannot afford a professional aromatherapy massage, can be a candle on, call your lover with special essential oils to give you a massage.Taurus is in charge of the neck, and this is your first feeling when you are nervous, so, let your partner a massage there.Then, two people embrace a embrace, niuniu like passionate love, and you especially need now.

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