Leo decompression techniques

  LeoDecompression techniques

  Stress analysis:

Sometimes you're self contradiction.A fire characteristics make you restless, but fixed palace qualities make you were afraid to make a change.As a lion, you don't want to be, even if give your advice, criticism, or idea is very beautiful and meaningful.Pay attention to those foreign thoughts.What that means?If the people around you desire that you consider a point, but you always tell yourself: "I wish I didn't listen to that idea TM..."And then abandon it, that's bad!

The lion is a group of free and easy, really need affection.Now don't be depressed!Your partner, the more love you, my friends, the more support you, the faster you out of your trouble comes.Leo is life rich, dramatic signs of the zodiac, but it's easy to exaggerate the difficulties.If so, you are likely to be too nervous.Time to ask yourself, then find the way!

  Reduced pressure method:

  treatHave a meal

You can have a dinner party, so that the most special person in your life can be around four weeks.Enjoy the company of friends, listen to their advice.Order, don't cook -- the lion doesn't like chores.Bring some specialties, also can let everybody and you provide drinks for everyone to drink.

  To travel to warmer places

If you can go to a warm place to travel, the better - Leo is ruled by the sun, cold and wet weather rarely let happy lion.Sun to sun, your problem will be solved.No money?Warm at home.Go to a health club, a steam bath or water massage, or in a big pondswimming

  The company of good music

If you have a good sound, can use now.Just likeTauruslibraandPiscesLions are very keen to music.Wearing headphones, adjusted the volume, began to indulge in music.Or go near the music store, buy some favorite music.The stereo is broken?Go to a concert, or watching a musical, even seat is bad also it doesn't matter.The lion love scenes.The important thing is to relax, remind yourself that you are the biggest of all.

  The gym and do aerobics

In general the lion doesn't seem to care about sports, unless it's social sex is stronger, such as tennis.You are not interested in a person's movement.Leo was in charge of the heart, so I am always nervous your circulatory system.You will feel cold, cover the blanket and trembling.To do a aerobic exercise, it is a good idea to improve your circulatory system, and in the gym, you will probably know several people - how are all well!

  Painting to express emotion

Rather than the lion health, creative lion.Leo often need to express emotion.Try to practice my pen, or painting a picture.Can also take part in amateur theatrical organizations -- maybe you're really talented!Now you can vent all emotions into the role.Leo the lion is the best actor, because in the 5th house.

  Do good for the children

Fifth house is also the children's palace, so don't see their own) (this is a lion's weakness, to do good for the children, such as teaching the children to write.If you have children, do something special for them.And the children of LeocancerJust as important.The children make you happy, cheer you up, make you forget the trouble.

  Every step, give yourself a reward, thereby increasing confidence

And remember, your personality is the most important is confident.If confidence shaken, not so smoothly you as before.As a fixed palace, you are not good at dealing with change, at least not initially.Only let you friends leave, memories of your past accomplishments, find all the success in common, no matter how small, these achievements to summarize your formula for success.Believe in yourself and proud of their past, it is the only one to change your situation, the most important way.Every step, give yourself a reward, because as changes palace, it is not easy to change.You will restore the original happy self - a proud king!

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