Virgo decompression techniques

  virgoDecompression techniques

  Stress analysis:

You most the place that genius is than others to do things in good order, no matter what disturbance.Only a goal-directed you won't because tired and anticlimactic - much the material as you never flinched.But you want to find out what you're doing is really worth it.You can not focus too much on the details and at the head of the global.Then you should take a step back to re-examine their own ideas.You can put some affairs onto others.It's hard for everywhere, but you can save a lot of time, also remove some of the daily stress!Not because of who you are compressive means you have to has been associated with pressure!

Pressure coming, everywhere need to grasp the objective environment as a whole.You can come to a brainstorm, evaluate all options, and then make a plan (not analysis a virgin is not a good girl!.Like cancer, virgin always too struggle with questions.But different from cancer, a virgin does not rely on intuition, but logic and practical method.You've had a very thorough, spent a lot of time to study, it is.Virgo andGeminiIs dictated by mercury sign, good at communication and thinking.Gemini focus on depends on documents and facts, and virgo is more practical and lack of flexibility.

  Reduced pressure method:

  Organize things

At the edge of the tension to the crazy, you may want to stay in the house to do the practical work.Are you good at job is to clean the cabinets, filing, clean up the old document.Maybe the weather is good, friends and family all call you go out, but you know what to do.Do a good environment, you would be much better.Arrange things for you is the best therapy.Your surroundings (including your briefcase) can always exact reaction your inner state.Throw out the old junk, throw out expired music and clothes, put items neatly, find a few box for a locker.You need a sense of accomplishment, thinking also need a bit of manual labor (box, filing, etc.).Look at the residence and office look brand-new, you will be much easier!

  Quit bad habits

Virgo was in charge of the gut, and everywhere are the most likely to go wrong place during times of stress.Because nervous virgins are more likely to suffer from digestive problems, so, want to eat light things.Unlike like food as a child of the cancer, virgin more like to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, and even wanted to be a vegetarian, at least for a period of time.Low fat diet can not only keep your health, but also can relieve stress.

  Write a diary

Write a diary of your thoughts.Same as the Gemini, you can try to write what had happened to her emotional work, can be short, medium, heavy documentary works or poetry.Virgo is state of mind is very rigorous, is rich in good writer.

  Do some mechanical activity

Activities related to the hand can also make you feel great.Sewing, drawing and playing the piano, and mechanical job also has the effect of rehabilitation.When you work thinking will be clear.

  Playing mind games

Crosswords or puzzles are also attractive to you, because virgo likes to challenge the brain.Try the table games, such as monopoly, guess the heart, scrabble or complex card games, such as poker games such as bridge to relax, relax for diligent and conscientious virgo is not easy!Finally, virgo rules small animals, and many have pet virgin.If you have, you can play with them, otherwise, you can adopt a dog or cat.

As an earth sign, the only sign changes in the palace, a virgin is very lucky, is also one of the most able to adapt to the environment, the most flexible constellation.Everywhere, throw away the worry, leave work, take a break now!Good day ahead!

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